Dear Friends,
Here's this week's 5-Bullet Friday -- what I've been enjoying, reading, pondering over the last week and where I've noticed God at work.
Prayers I've been saying - Today is the feast day of St. Jean Vianney. Drafted into Napoleon's army as a young man despite being a seminarian, he eventually became a parish priest and contended with the excesses and anti-religious sentiment that marked post-Revolution France. He often spent twelve hours per day hearing confessions and received up to 20,000 pilgrims per year. It is no wonder the he is the patron saint of the parish priest.
St. John Vianney would often say: "Private prayer is like straw scattered here and there: If you set it on fire, it makes a lot of little flames. But gather these straws into a bundle and light them, and you get a mighty fire, rising like a column into the sky; public prayer is like that."
I came across this "Prayer to Jesus" by St. Jean Vianney, which I thought I'd share since it's his feast day:
Idea that's got me thinking - The Blessed Mother as the Queen Mother and her intercessory power. Here are two posts I've recently written on the topic: "The Hidden Throne of Israel & the Blessed Mother" & "What's Really Happening at the Wedding in Cana"
Project I've been working on - I'm collaborating on a book of mini-biographies of lesser known Blesseds with fellow Louisiana author, Brian Costello. Would you please email me or comment below with any beatified person that you think should be included in this book?
Video I've been watching/rewatching - Venerable Fulton Sheen was a master storyteller and evangelizer. Check out this video of him talking about Our Lady of Fatima ... wait for the pectoral cross part!
Quote I've been pondering - Mother Teresa's response to Christopher Hitchens' defamation of her in his book was "Oh, the book. It matters not. He is forgiven."
Hope you've enjoyed this!
P.S. Check out this free pro-life bracelet offer from Save the Babes!
Here's this week's 5-Bullet Friday -- what I've been enjoying, reading, pondering over the last week and where I've noticed God at work.

St. John Vianney would often say: "Private prayer is like straw scattered here and there: If you set it on fire, it makes a lot of little flames. But gather these straws into a bundle and light them, and you get a mighty fire, rising like a column into the sky; public prayer is like that."
I came across this "Prayer to Jesus" by St. Jean Vianney, which I thought I'd share since it's his feast day:
Idea that's got me thinking - The Blessed Mother as the Queen Mother and her intercessory power. Here are two posts I've recently written on the topic: "The Hidden Throne of Israel & the Blessed Mother" & "What's Really Happening at the Wedding in Cana"
Project I've been working on - I'm collaborating on a book of mini-biographies of lesser known Blesseds with fellow Louisiana author, Brian Costello. Would you please email me or comment below with any beatified person that you think should be included in this book?
Video I've been watching/rewatching - Venerable Fulton Sheen was a master storyteller and evangelizer. Check out this video of him talking about Our Lady of Fatima ... wait for the pectoral cross part!
Quote I've been pondering - Mother Teresa's response to Christopher Hitchens' defamation of her in his book was "Oh, the book. It matters not. He is forgiven."
Hope you've enjoyed this!
P.S. Check out this free pro-life bracelet offer from Save the Babes!