Dear friends,
We hope that this journal will provide a space for you to be nurtured and filled, so that you can better bring life and joy to your family! We pray you encounter the Lord in these pages, and draw closer to His heart.
Catholic Prayer Journal for Homeschooling Moms: How to Use as Either 52 Days of Prayer or 52 Weeks (One School Year)
Though this journal is designed for 52 weeks of guided prayer, it could be used in numerous other ways. You could use it for a continuous 52 day retreat, or work your way through it at any other pace. You can go through all the components for the week in one day, or divide them for prayer throughout your week.
You can also utilize this text as a more traditional prayer book, looking up prayers specific to your present circumstances in the table of contents. All that matters is that you are using it in the way that enriches your prayer life, so that you may feel refreshed and commissioned as you educate and inspire your children.
Each of the 52 weeks (or days, if you prefer) includes a seven-step prayer sequence modeled after the Examen prayer of St. Ignatius:
1. The first step, Breathe, guides us through a breathing exercise. Such exercises are commonly used to work through occasions of anxiety or stress, and can be a great resource at other times during your day.
Note: If the number of seconds of breathing in and out don’t work well for you, feel free to alter the protocol, e.g. breathing in for 5 seconds instead of 7.
2. We take time to become aware of God’s presence. We remember that He is closer to us than we are to ourselves. With us right now, in the now. As St. Augustine says, “Our hearts were made for You, O Lord, and they are restless until they rest in You.”
3. Thanksgiving is key to finding peace and purpose, and overcoming daily stressors. We reorient ourselves to gratitude, focusing less on our fears and more on God’s gifts.
4. We Reflect on a Scripture verse and a quote of a saint, fellow christian, or other insightful individual. We chose these quotes and verses specifically to help gain perspective and peace as we educate our children. When reading the scripture verse, we consider what words stand out to us. Ask yourself what comes into your mind or how do you feel as you reflect on the words, and speak to the Lord about those feelings and thoughts.
This is the meditative practice of lectio divina. We sit with these passages for five minutes or more, rereading slower each time, observing which words stand out to us. We plant these words in our minds, water them daily with reflection, and let them take root.
5. We ask the Lord to guide our reflection upon your day and week. Jesus takes us by the hand to Examine the moments and experiences of your life. Wait and see what bubbles up in your memories. What is Jesus trying to reveal to you? He may show us the way He was present in our moments, even if we did not see Him there.
Over time, this exercise helps us have confidence that Jesus never leaves our sides; to sense His constant presence.
6. We embrace Contrition. We consider the ways that sin creeped into our day, the ways we did not love as we should have. Recognizing our own triggers, temptations, and patterns can be a wonderful opportunity for us to refashion our habits into virtues. We express our trust and gratitude for God’s mercy, and ask for grace to transform our habits.
7. We learn to prayerfully anticipate the future in Hope, expressing our firm trust that God is working all things out for our ultimate good.
Catholic Prayer Journal for Homeschooling Moms: Weekly Prayers
Every week we consider a different Weekly Prayer either from the wealth of Catholic tradition, or composed specifically for this journal. We also have an opportunity to consider our:Prayer Intentions: This is an opportunity to give everything to the Lord. Journaling the things that occupy our heart helps us to leave them in Jesus’ outstretched hands. We can pray for loved ones, and for those people who have cause us or a loved one sorrow. This is an amazing way to find healing and freedom.
Goals Checklist: Modify this list as needed. It helps us to track our progress in entering more deeply into the sacramental life of the church.
Small Things with Great Love: We take note of times that we recently engaged in an act of charity or courage. When we went above and beyond, or simply did what we had to, but with joy. By journaling these acts of love and sacrifice, we make these acts a more overt gift to the Lord, and we can be better aware of opportunities to do so in the future.
We hope you allow this journal to serve you. That you utilize the aspects that expand your heart and give you peace. Disregard anything that does not. Be assured of our prayers for you, as you endeavor to bring truth, goodness, and beauty into the lives of your children. Ad majórem Dei glóriam! (For the greater glory of God!)