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Novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe, Prayers for Healing, Safety, Protection, & the New 8 Million Conversions

We have often heard the story of Our Lady of Guadalupe's apparitions to St. Juan Diego and his ordeal with the bishop. We do not often hear about the litany of miracles that occurred (and continue to occur) following the apparition of Our Lady of Guadalupe. 

This Novena will focus our attention on the miracles that occurred in the wake of the great miracle of the image of Our Lady appearing on St. Juan Diego's tilma. Join us in praying for more miracles like these, especially for the new 8 million, a new and massive surge of conversions like those that occurred between 1531-1538. Please pray for these as we approach 2031, the 500th Anniversary of Our Lady of Guadalupe.    

Our Lady of Guadalupe Novena - Table of Contents 

    Our Lady of Guadalupe's Own Words - Translation of the Earliest Accounts of Our Lady

    Do you want to read Our Lady of Guadalupe's original words to St. Juan Diego? Here's a great book! This includes the oldest account of Our Lady of Guadalupe in the native language Nahuatl language, translated into English: 

    It also describes all the miracles that occurred after the apparitions of Our Lady of Guadalupe, which I've included in the Novena below.

    Our Lady of Guadalupe Daily Novena Prayer 

    When St. Juan Diego was praying for his specific intention, the healing of his mortally sick uncle, the compassionate Virgin answered him as follows, and so let us pray her words. The following is to be recited daily:

    Understand, rest very much assured, my youngest child, that nothing whatever should frighten you or worry you. Do not be concerned, do not fear the illness, or any other illness or calamity. Am I, your mother, not here? Are you not under my protective shade, my shadow? Am I not your happiness? Are you not in the security of my lapfold, in my carrying gear? Do you need something more? Do not let anything worry you or upset you further. Do not let [state your intention] worry you ... Rest assured, for [your intention has already been heard].[1] 

    Also pray the following "Prayer to be Directed to the Heavenly Queen, Our Precious Mother of Guadalupe":

    REJOICE, heavenly Queen , eternally blessed Virgin, O merciful one, rejoice, you who are the precious daughter of God the Father. Rejoice, you who are the precious mother of God's precious child. Rejoice, you who are the precious spouse of God the Holy Spirit. It is you we praise, you who have descended from heaven and by a very great miracle have come to reveal yourself to the poor humble commoners. To you we cry, you who are our precious revered mother of Guadalupe, you who in your very great compassion gave us your image, before which we wretches who live in pain on your precious child's earth cry out. Turn your eyes toward us here; may we not disgust you with all our sins. Rather, keep your word to help us and favor us in our difficulties. May we attain your light in order to see the life in heaven. And for your sake may we be pardoned all our sins and offenses against our Lord. May you appease the heart of your precious child; may all his wrath and anger subside. May you take pity on us who are his creatures, who are under your protective shade, who cry out to you today. And then at the time of our death please remove and put to flight our foe, who leads us astray, so that happily and peacefully our souls may go to lie entirely in your hands, so that they may go appear in the presence of God, their creator. Amen. JESUS.[2]

    Our Lady of Guadalupe Novena Prayer - Day 1

    The first miracle wrought by Our Lady of Guadalupe, the roses given to St. Juan Diego, point to one of her greatest and most long-lasting miracles. Listen to how the roses were described in the original account: 

    Then Juan Diego climbed the hill. When he reached the top, he was greatly astonished at all the different kinds of precious Spanish flowers that were growing there, blossoming and blooming, although their blooming time had not yet come, for it was right then that the frost was strong. They were very fragrant, and the night dew on them was like precious pearls. He thereupon began to pick them; he gathered every one and put them in his lapfold. But the top of the hill was absolutely no place for any flowers to grow, for it was a place of crags, thorns, brambles, cactus, and mesquite, and if some little grassy weeds should grow there at that time, in the month of December, the frost would devour and destroy them all. Then he came back down, bringing to the heavenly Lady the various kinds of flowers that he had gone to pick.[3]

    The roses were growing in an inhospitable location: "absolutely no place for any flowers to grow". The place, like in Jesus' Parable of the Sower was choked with "crags, thorns, brambles, cactus, and mesquite." The place was also cold and covered in frost, which would "devour" "little grassy weeds", let alone roses. In this inhospitable place was growing an entire garden of "all the different kinds of precious Spanish flowers." They were not even flowers from Mexico. The origin of the flowers pointed back to Europe. 

    Why? Because all these flowers, growing here in this rocky place, instead of Spain, point to the Mexican people, themselves. The flowers point to the 8 million conversions that would occur in the 8 years following the appearance of Our Lady of Guadalupe. While all this was happening in Mexico, the Church, the Blessed Mother's own family, was being torn apart in Europe by the Protestant Revolution. Our Blessed Mother insured the future of the Church by sparking a number of Catholic conversions equal to the number of Protestant conversions in Europe.       

    Mary had told St. Juan Diego "Are you not in the security of my lapfold?" Now, she has St. Juan Diego carefully place these flowers -- these souls to be converted -- into his own lapfold: "As he came he exercised great care with what he had in his lapfold, lest he drop anything, and he enjoyed the fragrance of the various kinds of precious flowers."[4]

    Let us pray now to prepare another great bouquet of souls for our Blessed Mother. Let us pray now for more conversions of souls to the Catholic Church, to the lapfold of the Blessed Virgin Mary and to her womb, where souls will find Jesus. We pray for a new, massive round of conversions, the new 8 million, a new massive harvest of flowers. We also pray for all those specific individuals we know [state them by name] that are "ripe flowers" to be picked and placed into the lapfold of Our Lady. We pray for the courage to speak the words of conversion, if such is our role, or for that the words would be given to another, through the Holy Spirit.   

    Now, recite the daily prayers for this novena.  

    Our Lady of Guadalupe Novena Prayer - Day 2

    For the remaining days of this Novena, we will reflect on the first recorded miracles attributed to Our Lady of Guadalupe. 

    THE VERY FIRST of the miracles that she worked was when they took her to Tepeyacac for the first time after her temple was finished. For at this time the procession in which they took her was performed in the grand fashion. All the priests that there were, and the various Spaniards in whose hands the city was, and also all the Mexica rulers and nobles, came out together, as well as the people from other altepetls all around. Great preparations were made so that things would be well adorned all along the causeway which leaves Mexico as far as Tepeyacac, where the temple of the heavenly Lady had been erected. There were many things for amusement and celebration along the way. The causeway was full of moving people, and since the water of the lake was still very deep on both sides, numerous commoners went by boat; some went along skirmishing, encountering one another in battle. One of the archers who were dressed like Chichimeca drew his bow quite taut, and without warning the arrow flew off and hit one of those who were engaged in skirmishing there; it passed through his neck, and he fell. When they saw that he had died, they took him to the consummate Virgin our Queen; they went and laid him before her. His relatives cried out to her to deign to revive him. And after they pulled the arrow out of him, she not only revived him and gave him life, but he was also immediately healed where the arrow had passed through; all that remained were marks where the arrow entered and came out. Right away he stood up and left; the heavenly Lady sent him on his way, making him joyful. Absolutely everyone marveled greatly and praised the consummate Virgin, the heavenly Lady, Saint Mary of Guadalupe, for the way she was now carrying out the pledge she made to Juan Diego that she would always help and defend the local people and all those who invoked her. It is said that from that moment on this humble person remained at the precious home of the heavenly precious Lady; there he used to sweep her temple and home for her.[5]

    We pray today for Our Lady of Guadalupe to be known through miraculous healings and for her to heal miraculously, and even resurrect, those whose names we submit to her intercession. 

    Our Lady of Guadalupe Novena Prayer - Day 3

    Today, we read about how the intercession of Our Lady of Guadalupe ended an epidemic in 1544:  

    WHEN THERE WAS a great epidemic in the year 1544, with very severe loss in the great altepetls, each day a hundred people were being buried; in truth, it exceeded that. When our Lord's precious ones, the friars of Saint Francis, had seen that it was not subsiding, that nothing at all was helping, that no progress could be made, that our Lord the giver of life was reducing and depopulating the land, they arranged a procession to go to Tepeyacac. The precious friars gathered a great many children, female and male, who had just reached the age of six or seven; they went along flogging themselves. As to how the procession went, it came out of the church at Tlatelolco; all along the way, they went crying to our Lord to have pity on his altepetl, that there be an end to his ire and wrath, in the very name and for the sake of his precious, revered mother, the consummate Virgin, our Queen, Saint Mary of Guadalupe of Tepeyacac. As soon as they arrived at her churchly home, the friars offered very many prayers. And God the giver of life willed that through the intercession and prayers of the compassionate personage, his precious, revered mother, the epidemic would begin to subside. The next days not many people were being buried any longer, and finally perhaps two or three people as the epidemic came to an end.[6]

    We pray today for the end of epidemics and for healings worldwide. We also pray for the miraculous healing of those whose names we submit to Our Lady's intercession. We pray that these healings will lead to the conversions of hearts and souls to Jesus and His Catholic Church.  

    Our Lady of Guadalupe Novena Prayer - Day 4

    Today, we read about the widespread end of idolatry that occurred after the apparition of Our Lady of Guadalupe and the Remedios, an associated image of Our Lady that was given to Don Juan at Totoltepec.  

    IN THE BEGINNING, when the Christian faith had just arrived here in the land that today is called New Spain, in many ways the heavenly Lady, the consummate Virgin Saint Mary, cherished, aided, and defended the local people so that they might entirely give themselves and adhere to the faith. As a result they despised and abhorred the idolatry in which they had been wandering about in confusion on the earth, in the night and darkness in which the demon had made them live. In order that they might invoke her fervently and trust in her fully, she saw fit to reveal herself for the first time to two people here. They attained the precious images of the consummate Virgin, our Queen, which are here near the altepetl of Mexico; she appeared to Juan Diego at Tepeyacac Guadalupe, and she revealed the image that is called Remedios to don Juan at Totoltepec.   

    She revealed herself to him [don Juan] on top of a hill, among maguey plants, where her temple stands today. He took her to his home and kept her there for several years, and afterwards he outfitted a small temple for her in front of his house and moved her there. And when she had been there for some time, don Juan contracted a serious illness. When it was seen that he was fatally ill, that he would no longer be able to escape or to get up, he asked his children, the humble Totoltepec commoners, to take him to Tepeyacac where the consummate Virgin, our precious mother of Guadalupe, is, which is perhaps more than two leagues distant from Totoltepec, because he knew how the heavenly Lady had healed Juan Bernardino, resident of Quauhtitlan and uncle of Juan Diego, upon whom a very great illness had likewise come, and had worked all the [other] miracles. Thereupon they laid him on a litter, took him to Tepeyacac, and went to lay him down before the heavenly Lady, our precious mother of Guadalupe. Then he prayed to her tearfully, he bowed down and humbled himself before her, and asked her to do him the favor of healing his earthly body. Perhaps she would cause him to live for another brief day on her earth, so that he could serve her and her precious child. The compassionate one received his prayers benevolently. She was very happy, she smiled when she saw him, and she showed him affection, as she told him, "Get up! you have already been cured. Return to your home. And I command you that on top of the hill, where the maguey plants stand, where you saw my image, you build a small temple, where it will be." And she commanded him to do various other things. At that very moment he recovered. And when he had addressed her with many thanks for her benevolence, he returned home on foot. They no longer carried him in their arms. When he arrived, he immediately carried it out; he built the small temple for the precious image of the heavenly Lady, called Remedios, where she is now. After her temple was finished, she herself entered, all by herself she went to stand on the altar as she is today and as she is depicted in all her miracles.[7]

    We pray today for the all images of Our Lady and Our Lady of Guadalupe, particularly, to bring healings and conversions and greater devotion to Jesus through Mary. We also pray for the miraculous healing of those whose names we submit to Our Lady's intercession. We pray that these healings will lead to the conversions of hearts and souls to Jesus and His Catholic Church.  

    Our Lady of Guadalupe Novena Prayer - Day 5

    Today, we read about a miraculous rescue from a rampaging horse that occurred through Our Lady of Guadalupe's intercession.  

    HERE IN THE altepetl of Mexico one of the Spanish noblemen, named don Antonio Carvajal, took a young fellow, a relative of his, with him when he went to Tulancingo. When they passed through Tepeyacac, they first went into the churchly home of the consummate Virgin, our precious mother of Guadalupe; they stopped a while to pray there, they stopped by to greet the heavenly Queen so that she might aid and defend them and cause them to arrive safely where they were going. When they had come back out and were traveling along, on the way they went along talking with one another about the consummate Virgin, how she revealed her precious image by a very great miracle, and how she had worked all the different kinds of miracles, by which she did good to those who invoked her.   

    As the horse on which the young fellow was riding was going along the road, somehow it fell down; as a result it went wild, or perhaps something frightened it. It took off with great impetus and ran through ravines, past precipices and crags, while he tried with all his strength to pull on the reins. He was unable to control it; it ran him for perhaps half a league. His companions tried to intercept it, but they could by no means do so; it went as if carried by the wind. Then they lost sight of it, and thought that it might have pulverized him somewhere. Indeed it was a very dangerous place that it was heading straight toward, a place of many ravines and crags. But our Lord and the perfectly compassionate one, his precious, honored mother, saw fit to free him.  

    When they found him, what they came upon was that the horse had stopped, it had bowed its head, and its legs were as though bent. It was entirely unable to move, and the young fellow was stuck in a stirrup, hanging by one foot. When they saw him, they greatly marveled in their hearts; there was nothing at all wrong with him, nor was he hurt anywhere. Thereupon they took him in their arms and released his foot. When he got up, they asked him how he had escaped without anything happening to him, and he said to them, You saw how when we left Mexico, we passed by the home of the heavenly Lady, our precious mother of Guadalupe. Before leaving we marveled at her precious image and prayed to her, and afterwards on the road we went along talking to one another about all the miracles that she has worked and how her precious image appeared by a very great miracle. Absolutely everything found its way into my memory, I took it very much to heart. So when I saw that I was put in great danger, that there was no way I could escape, that I would soon die and perish, that there was no longer any help for me whatever, just at that very moment with all my heart I called on the consummate Virgin, the heavenly Lady, our precious mother of Guadalupe, to have pity on me and help me. Just at that very moment I saw her, just as she herself appears in the precious image of our Queen of Guadalupe. She helped and rescued me; she grabbed the horse's reins, so that it stopped immediately and obeyed her. Like one bowing before her, it knelt down as it was when you found it. They praised the heavenly Lady very greatly, and thereupon they traveled on.[8]

    We pray specifically today for the safety of all those that are traveling. More broadly speaking, we pray for Our Lady of Guadalupe to protect us, our loved ones, our specific intentions, and the Church founded by her Son. We pray that this miraculous protection will lead to the conversions of hearts and souls to Jesus and His Catholic Church.  

    Our Lady of Guadalupe Novena Prayer - Day 6

    Today, we read about a man saved from a mortal blow by a falling lamp:

    ONCE A SPANIARD was kneeling before the heavenly Lady, our precious mother of Guadalupe, praying to her. It happened that the rope broke from which a large lamp was hanging; it was very heavy, and it was hanging in front of her. Right away it went straight toward his head, it fell right on his skull. All those who were there believed that he had died immediately or that it had smashed his head, or that perhaps it had seriously injured him, for it fell from a great height. But not only was he not harmed and suffered no injury of any sort, but the lamp was not crushed anywhere at all, nor was it damaged in the slightest. The glass did not break, the oil that was in it did not spill, and the flame that was burning did not go out. Everyone was very greatly astonished at all the miracles that the heavenly Lady worked at a single time.[9]

    We pray specifically today for the safety of all those in the face of unknown dangers and disorders of the brain, whether mental or physical. More broadly speaking, we pray for Our Lady of Guadalupe to protect from harm all of us, our loved ones, our specific intentions, and the Church founded by her Son. We pray that this miraculous protection will lead to the conversions of hearts and souls to Jesus and His Catholic Church.  

    Our Lady of Guadalupe Novena Prayer - Day 7

    Today, we read about Father Juan Vasquez de Acuna who was celebrating Holy Mass when suddenly all the candles were blown out:  

    LICENCIATE JUAN Vasquez de Acuna, former vicar, was in charge there for very many years. Once it happened that he was about to say mass at the main altar and all the candles went out. The sacristan meanwhile went away to light [others], because it was very windy there, and the priest was waiting for the candles to be burning. He saw two things like tassels of flame or lightning come out of the rays of the heavenly Lady and come to light the candles on both sides. This miracle very much astonished all those who were there in her churchly home.[10]

    We pray today that the flame of faith would keep burning across the world and, instead of being snuffed out, would spread across the world. We pray for faith to catch fire, especially in the places where it is most unlikely or seemingly impossible. We pray that this spreading flame will lead to the conversions of hearts and souls to Jesus and His Catholic Church.  

    Our Lady of Guadalupe Novena Prayer - Day 8

    Today, we read about the miraculous spring that flowed out from behind the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe and the miracles that sprang from it: 

    WHEN FOR THE very first time the heavenly Lady showed herself to Juan Diego and her precious image very miraculously appeared, she worked very many miracles. It is said that also at that time the spring opened up which is behind the temple of the heavenly Lady to the east, in the very place where she went to meet Juan Diego when he had gone around the hill so that the heavenly Lady might not see him, since he first wanted to call a friar to hear the confession of and prepare his uncle, Juan Bernardino, who lay very gravely ill. It was right there that she intercepted him and sent him to go cut flowers on the top of the hill. It was also where she showed him the level ground where the temple was to be built, and where she sent him for the last time to see the lord bishop, to whom she sent flowers as a proof and sign of her wish that her temple was to be built. All of this was said earlier in passing. Where this water gushes out, although it flies up as it gushes and bubbles, it still does not overflow, nor does it [fly out greatly, only a very little. It is very clean and fragrant, but not good tasting, somewhat as if acidic. It is effective with all different kinds of illnesses for those who in good faith drink it or bathe in it. For that reason the miracles that the consummate Virgin, the heavenly Lady, our precious mother Saint Mary of Guadalupe, has worked are innumerable.  

    THE STOMACH of a Spanish woman, who was a resident here in the altepetl of Mexico, began for no reason4 to swell as if it were hydropic, as if it would burst. The Spanish physicians tried different kinds of medicine by which to cure her; absolutely nothing helped or worked, but it kept on growing all the more. It was now ten months that she had the illness, and she was quite certain that she could never get well again, that she would die of it, unless the heavenly Lady, the consummate Virgin, Saint Mary of Guadalupe, would heal her. She directed them to carry her on a litter and take her to Tepeyacac to the home of the heavenly Lady. Very early in the morning they started her on her way, and when they got her to her churchly home, they laid her down before her. Thereupon she prayed to her with all her heart that she would have pity on her and cure her. She wept before her, prostrated herself, and asked to be given a little bit of her spring water to drink. After she drank it, her body temperature moderated, and she fell asleep. When it was past midday and the bell was about to strike one, those who had brought her came back outside the building for a while to go look around. They came out leaving her all alone while she slept and her temperature moderated, and one of the humble commoners who had taken a vow there to sweep at the church saw a very frightening snake come out from under her, a fathom and one span in length, and very thick. He was very frightened and immediately cried out to the Spanish woman who was sick. At that she awoke and got up. She was very much startled and frightened and repeatedly cried out to summon someone. Then they killed the snake there; at that very moment she got well and her stomach went down. She spent four more days there, in order to pray daily to the heavenly Lady who had done her this favor and healed her. When she came back, they no longer carried her in their arms; she came back just on foot. Now she came greatly rejoicing; nothing was ailing her any more.[11]

    We pray again for the miraculous healing of those whose names we submit to Our Lady's intercession. We pray that these healings will lead to the conversions of hearts and souls to Jesus and His Catholic Church. 

    Our Lady of Guadalupe Novena Prayer - Day 9

    Today, we read about the miraculous healing of the head and ears of a Spanish nobleman:

    THE HEAD AND ears of a Spanish nobleman, a resident here in the altepetl of Mexico, pained him very badly, as if they would burst; absolutely nothing helped him. He could endure it no longer, and he directed that he be taken to the precious home of the consummate Virgin, our precious mother of Guadalupe. When he arrived in her presence, he prayed to her with all his heart to help him and cure him. He vowed that when she had cured him, he would make an offering to her of a head of silver. Just at the very moment he got there, he was cured. After he had spent nine days at the home of the heavenly Lady, he returned home rejoicing. Absolutely nothing more was ailing him.

    We pray specifically today the healing of minds and ears that they may better understand and listen to the Word of God. We pray again for the miraculous healing of those whose names we submit to Our Lady's intercession. We pray that these healings will lead to the conversions of hearts and souls to Jesus and His Catholic Church. 

    Our Lady of Guadalupe Novena Footnotes

    [1] The Story of Guadalupe, Luis Laso de la Vega’s Huei tlamahuicoltica of 1649 (Stanford University Press, 1998), 77-79.
    [2] Ibid., 127.
    [3] Ibid., 79. 
    [4] Ibid., 81.
    [5] Ibid., 93-95
    [6] Ibid., 95-97
    [7] Ibid., 97-99
    [8] Ibid., 99-103
    [9] Ibid., 103-105
    [10] Ibid., 103-105
    [11] Ibid., 105-107

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