You've heard of the great Sit-Ins of the Civil Rights Era ... Anybody up for a Kneel-In?
My family was greatly disturbed on our recent vacation to Idaho. After driving two hours out of the mountains to attend Holy Mass, the parish priest denied all of us, my children and my in-laws, Holy Communion because we knelt to receive the Eucharist.
It was so sad to see my little children, kneeling reverently to receive the Eucharist, and then to see the priest wagging his finger at them. I thank God I went to the Sacrament of Confession right before Holy Mass, or I'm not sure what I would have done in response to the priest's brazenness.
As a result of this experience, I am helping to create the Reverence Foundation.
As you might expect, I spoke to the priest after Mass to let him know about his violation of the Church's law. He stonewalled me. He just kept saying, "I'm very aware of Canon Law."
I emailed the priest afterwards, and he failed to reply. This began a series of emails with the Bishop of Boise, Idaho.
You can read all the emails to and from the priest who denied us Holy Communion for kneeling, as well as his bishop.
Also, feel free to copy and paste these emails and use them if you are denied your right to receive the Eucharist kneeling.
And also prayerfully consider whether it might be time for a reverent, respectful kneel-in to protect our Catholic civil rights!
EWTN Radio Interview About Being Denied Holy Communion for Kneeling
Father 's Homily Before He Denied Us Holy Communion for Kneeling
My Email to the Priest, After Being Denied Holy Communion for Kneeling: Full Statement from the USCCB on "The Reception of Holy Communion at Mass"
Dear Father [Name Redacted],
Good morning! We met before and after Mass at St. Charles Borromeo last Sunday. As you probably remember, you denied me and my family Holy Communion while we were kneeling.
Here is the full statement from the USCCB on "The Reception of Holy Communion at Mass," if you like, but I have reproduced the pertinent parts below, which reference the GIRM, Canon Law, and Redemptionis Sacramentum, the instruction issued by the Vatican's Congregation for Divine Worship.
The General Instruction asks each country's Conference of Bishops to determine the posture to be used for the reception of Communion and the act of reverence to be made by each person as he or she receives Communion. In the United States, the body of Bishops has determined that "[t]he norm... is that Holy Communion is to be received standing, unless an individual member of the faithful wishes to receive Communion while kneeling" and that a bow is the act of reverence made by those receiving (GIRM no. 160). This norm is supported by an Instruction by the Holy See regarding the Eucharist: "In distributing Holy Communion it is to be remembered that 'sacred ministers may not deny the sacraments to those who seek them in a reasonable manner, are rightly disposed, and are not prohibited by law from receiving them' (Code of Canon Law, can. 843 § 1; cf. can. 915). Hence any baptized Catholic who is not prevented by law must be admitted to Holy Communion. Therefore, it is not licit to deny Holy Communion to any of Christ's faithful solely on the grounds, for example, that the person wishes to receive the Eucharist kneeling or standing" (Redemptionis Sacramentum, no. 91).
As you see, there is no discretion given to either the bishop, the priest, or extraordinary minister to abrogate these rules. Indults may be granted by the local ordinary to add (reasonable) options, but not take away.
I would be very interested in reading any documentation you have to support the legality of denying Holy Communion for kneeling.
Would you now be willing to allow us to receive the Eucharist while kneeling next Sunday?
Scott Smith
My Email to the Bishop of Boise, Idaho After Being Denied Holy Communion for Kneeling
Most Reverend [Name Redacted],Happy Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary!On a sad note, my family, my young children, and my in-laws were recently denied Holy Communion in your diocese because we were kneeling. This occurred at St. Charles Borromeo in Hailey on Sunday, August 20th. Fr. [Name Redacted] personally denied us Holy Communion, until and unless we stood up. I had an amicable discussion without resolution with Fr. [Name Redacted] after Mass and followed up with the email below, in which I provided the relevant laws and norms from the USCCB, Canon Law, and the GIRM. As I'm sure you're aware, it is a violation of Church law to deny Holy Communion solely on the basis that a person is kneeling.This has caused my family a pain that has not gone away. What's more, Fr. [Name Redacted] seemed to indicate, though I could be mistaken, that this denial of Holy Communion was done on your authority.I hope that I have maintained a charitable tone in all this, but my family was all very disturbed. Fr. [Name Redacted] was even preaching on inclusivity during this particular Mass, but his actions were a "clanging gong" of exclusivity. Not only is my family disturbed by this, I am also worried about Fr. [Name Redacted] and those whom he shepherds.I had hoped that a discussion with Fr. [Name Redacted] would emend this problem, but he has not responded to my email after several weeks. As Matthew 18:17 instructs us, "If he refuses to listen, tell it to the Church." This is why I am writing to you today--also for today's Marian feast in hopes of her intercession, who especially teaches us to kneel before the Word made flesh.Would you please instruct Fr. [Name Redacted]--or whatever action you believe is best to resolve this problem--that Church law prohibits the denial of Holy Communion in this situation? And that demonstrating reverence before the Holy Eucharist, especially in these years of Eucharistic renewal, is to be encouraged?With deepest gratitude for your help --In Christ through Mary and Joseph,Scott Smith
1st Reply from Bishop of Boise After Being Denied Holy Communion for Kneeling
Dear Scott,Peace be with you.Your message has been received and it will be reviewed with both the Bishop and the Vicar General for priests, Fr. [Name Redacted].Sincerely in Christ,Executive Assistant toBishop and Vicar General
2nd Reply from Bishop of Boise After Being Denied Holy Communion for Kneeling
September 13, 2023Dear Scott,Thank you for taking the time to write.I was confused about your email when you said you and your family did not receive because you were kneeling, but it seems you did receive when [Name Redacted] asked you to stand. As our Church teaches when receiving communion, we are encouraged to have unity in our posture and gestures. Perhaps in Louisiana the general posture when receiving is kneeling, but that is not the case in the Diocese of Boise.Blessings to you and your family –As I remain sincerely yours in Christ,Bishop [Name Redacted]Bishop of the Diocese of Boise
My Reply to the Bishop's Response to the Denial of Holy Communion for Kneeling
Good morning, Bishop [Name Redacted]!I was thinking about you and praying for you this morning during Prime prayers. There was a line from the second reading from (Bishop) St. Augustine for the feast of (Bishop) St. Januarius: "To be honest with you, my obligations involve me in so much turmoil that I feel as though I were tossed by storms on a great ocean. When I remember by whose blood I have been redeemed, this thought brings me peace, as though I were entering the safety of a harbor ..." So, prayers for a safe harbor!Thank you for your response to my email.You said, "As our Church teaches when receiving communion, we are encouraged to have unity in our posture and gestures." The Church's unity comes from its universality, its universal law, history, origin -- in a word, its Catholicity. Protestants have local uniformity in gestures, etc.; the *Catholic* Church provides a far greater unity.Speaking of the universal law of the Church, the GIRM (no. 160) and Canon Law (Code of Canon Law, can. 843 § 1; cf. can. 915) state that the conference of bishops decides the norms for postures while receiving Holy Communion. Accordingly, the USCCB states, as I provided to Fr. [Name Redacted] (in full below), "Therefore, it is not licit to deny Holy Communion to any of Christ's faithful solely on the grounds, for example, that the person wishes to receive the Eucharist kneeling or standing (Redemptionis Sacramentum, no. 91)."Can you please provide me with a legal basis for this violation of Canon Law and the norms established by the USCCB? Were you granted an indult or dispensation from this norm? If so, I would just plead that properly disposed communicants be allowed to show reverence before the Eucharist by kneeling to receive Holy Communion.Not following the norms established by the USCCB creates disunity, not unity. Whether we're from Louisiana or Idaho, "Jews or Greeks, slaves or free" (1 Cor 12:13) ..."I appeal to you, [Your Excellency], by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of [us] agree and that there be no dissensions among [us], but that [we] be united in the same mind and the same judgment. For it has been reported to me by Chloe’s people that there is quarreling among you, my brethren. What I mean is that each one of you says, 'I belong to Paul,' or 'I belong to Apollos,' or 'I belong to Cephas,' [or 'I belong to Bishop Peter' or 'I belong to Louisiana'] or 'I belong to Christ.' Is Christ divided?" (1 Cor 1:12)Thank you, Your Excellency, for your time and blessing!ICtM&J,Scott Smith
Conclusions: Being Denied the Eucharist While Kneeling
The Language of the Body is the Greatest Catechism of the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist.
Why, Biblically, Do We Kneel to Receive Holy Communion?
- California
- Diocese of Orange
- St. Mary's by the Sea (Huntington Beach, CA) >> According to the L.A. Times newspaper, "Kneeling 'is clearly rebellion, grave disobedience and mortal sin,' Father Martin Tran, pastor at St. Mary’s by the Sea, told his flock in a recent church bulletin. The Diocese of Orange backs Tran’s anti-kneeling edict."
- I have contacted this parish on 10/5/2023 to confirm whether this is still the case or if the violation of Church law has been corrected.
- UPDATE: The parish priest responded on 10/6/2023 that neither he, who has been pastor there over seven years, nor his predecessor pastor would deny or have denied Holy Communion on the basis of kneeling.
- Diocese of San Bernardino
- St. Kateri Tekakwitha Catholic Community (Beaumont and Banning, CA) >> According to LifeSiteNews, "The bulletin notes that the parish 'highly discouraged the receiving of [C]ommunion while kneeling down' due to unspecified 'incidents that happened in the past caused by people kneeling down when receiving [C]ommunion.'" And further, "You will also be legally responsible for any harm that your action may cause to the ministers or the people around you when taking [C]ommunion kneeling down."
- Idaho
- Diocese of Boise, Bishop Peter Christensen >> according to a regular parishioner in the Diocese, not only is kneeling to receive the Eucharist prohibited (illegally), but "... per Bishop Peter of the Diocese of Boise: parish pastors are prohibited from even installing kneelers for Holy Communion because it might indicate a preferred posture for reception."
- St. Charles Borromeo Parish, Hailey, Idaho >> you will be forced to stand to receive the Eucharist
- Michigan
- Unknown Diocese >> denial of kneelers for the elderly to exercise their right to receive kneeling
- Texas
- Archdiocese of San Antonio
- St. Francis of Assisi Parish >> I have contacted this parish on 10/5/2023 to confirm whether this is still the case or if the violation of Church law has been corrected.
Example Email to Send to Catholic Parish to Ask Whether Kneeling to Receive Holy Communion is Prohibited
Good morning/afternoon!I have received a report that your parish is or was prohibiting parishioners and communicants from kneeling to receive Holy Communion -- is this true? I am curating a list of U.S. dioceses and parishes that are actively violating Church law by prohibiting kneeling to receive Holy Communion. Has this situation been corrected or is Holy Communion still being denied in your parish to those who choose to kneel?Thanks!In Christ,Scott Smith
The donation money was flowing in, but that's not the way it is now (rightfully so). Summary- Liberals can't handle the beauty of Catholicism so the multitude gets tossed out.
Lord help us all and hear our cry for justice. All glory to God!
Let us start showing we believe in the Real Presence by our posturing when we receive. What greater evangelism
do we have that to show our reverence to our Lord!
I have observed people kneeling to receive at the three NO masses I attend. I receive on the tongue as do many people. At least in this area there is no prom. The churches are orthodox in teaching and reverent in liturgy.
As an evangelical spirit filled Catholic convert, I hope we embrace the Charismatic life giving Holy Spirit as well. We are praying for God to continue to lead the Church in Truth. Praying for Bishop Peter and for anonymous 🙏✝️
May we behold what we are and become what we receive.
Diocese of Boise, Bishop Peter Christensen >> according to a regular parishioner in the Diocese... kneeling to receive the Eucharist prohibited."
is false.
Many faithful receive kneeling, as I personally have observed this many many times. Kneelers are prohibited for the purpose of receiving communion.