I like coffee. A lot. Even so, I try to avoid Starbucks coffee like the plague. Though their coffee is admittedly delicious, even sinfully so, their affiliation with abortion providers is disgusting.
[¿Prefieres leer en español? Here's the article translated into Spanish: El mal oculto tras el logo de Starbucks]
Not only that, according to 2nd Vote, that's just the beginning of Starbucks' list of offenses.
With such insidious designs on life, marriage, the family, and religion, I started wondering about the Starbucks logo ...
[After reading, if you're looking for alternatives to Starbucks coffee, I've prepared this article on pro-life, Christian coffee companies.]
Here's a video I have prepared investigating all the questions surrounding the logo: how did the Starbucks logo evolve to its current form? Where did the Starbucks logo come from? Is the Starbucks logo a mermaid? siren? Dagon? Lilith?
The character Starbuck was a Quaker and known for his goodness, all of which is ironic given the hidden meaning of the Starbucks logo.
So what is the Starbucks logo? What is the symbolic meaning of the image? Is the Starbucks logo Isis related? Is the Starbucks logo Dagon, a Lovecraftian Philistine demon fish god? Is it all just a conspiracy theory?
Find out below ...
Co-Founder Howard Schultz elaborates a bit more on the story in the excerpt below from his 1997 book Pour Your Heart into It: How Starbucks Built a Company One Cup at a Time:
There's a problem with this. There's no such thing as a 16th-century Norse woodcut.
The Norse ceased to exist as such around 1300. Woodcuts didn't arrive in Europe until about 1400.
Finding a 16th century Norse woodcut would be like finding a photograph of Leonardo da Vinci. Or a selfie of Abraham Lincoln. It just didn't happen.
So what's the real story? Where did this image come from? And what is that weird mermaid-thing?
Let's just assume the founders of Starbucks meant nothing insidious by this anachronism. It is most likely they just forgot where they found the image. That's a bit odd given their ferocious protection of their own intellectual property, but whatever.
In "How the Starbucks Siren Became Less Naughty," Krakovskiy reveals that the original Starbucks logo (pictured below, right) bears an uncanny resemblance to an entry (below left) in J.E. Cirlot’s Dictionary of Symbols, which was first published in English in 1962.
As described above, Lilith frequently occurs among the archetypes of the world's cultures. She is the Siren, the Lady in White, Duessa in The Faerie Queen, even Ursula in Disney's The Little Mermaid, and, of course, dragon-lady Melusine. She dates as far back as 2000 BC, and her image is found in ancient Sumerian tablets.
[Insert shivers here]
Lilith is usually depicted as a beautiful woman from the waist up and as serpentine from the waist down. Sound familiar?
Here is a Starbucks meme you might encounter "floating" around the internet describing the Starbucks logo as derivative of the Dagon fish god:
The implicit argument here is that the golden idol on the left is Dagon, but is it?
First off, probably not. The Starbucks logo is a crowned female with twin tails. These don't match Dagon, which is typically presented as male with a single tail. Let's still examine the evidence, though.
Here are some common depictions of Dagon:
Or, at least, these are depictions of of the Babylonian Oannes (Ὡάννης) mentioned by Berossus in the 3rd century BC. Oannes only became associated with Dagon in the 19th and 20th centuries. The scholarship making this connection has come under some scrutiny.
Iconographically, we are not really sure what dagon looked like. The golden idol meme above is likely just a false equilavence.
Again, Dagon is a male fish, not the female fish from the Starbucks logo. Is there another basis for this comparison?
What or who was the god dagon? Dagon appears in the Bible several times, but you are likely the most familiar with these two:
Here is the Temple of Dagon set from the movie version of Samson and Delilah. Hollywood is also apparently not of the opinion that Dagon was a fish god, or at least the fish god is equipped with two very non-fishy feet:
Another temple to Dagon, located in Ashdod, is described at 1 Samuel 5:2–7 and 1 Maccabees 10-11. King Saul's head was displayed in a temple of Dagon as described in 1 Chronicles 10.
Take that, dagon! It's a bad idea to place a false idol next to the Ark of the Covenant. Just ask the Nazis:
There is far more evidence supporting the Melusine theory of the Starbucks logo.
Either way you cut it, though, the symbolism of the Starbucks logo is evil.
Starbucks started a campaign in 2007 printing “The Way I See It” on their cups. The cups also featured short pontificating statements from their customers.
An Ohio woman noticed the following atheistic message stamped on the side of her coffee cup:
This comment might have been inspired by looking into eyes of the logo, herself.
So the next time the nice people at Starbucks begin to question your religion, ask them why they work for a company whose logo features a demon. Comment below if you encounter any interesting responses!
[2] Following that of William de Portenach, D'Arras' work consumed most of his life. In 1478, D'Arras' final work on the subject Le Liure de Melusine en Fracoys was published posthumously. Read more in What Does History Say?
[3] Read more about the Otranto cathedral and Starbucks product placement here.
[4] Rev. James M. Freeman, Manners and Customs of the Bible (Plainfield, New Jersey: Logos International, 1972; originally written about 1874), p. 126, 236.
With such insidious designs on life, marriage, the family, and religion, I started wondering about the Starbucks logo ...
[After reading, if you're looking for alternatives to Starbucks coffee, I've prepared this article on pro-life, Christian coffee companies.]
Here's a video I have prepared investigating all the questions surrounding the logo: how did the Starbucks logo evolve to its current form? Where did the Starbucks logo come from? Is the Starbucks logo a mermaid? siren? Dagon? Lilith?
Starbucks Logo Meaning - What is that creature?
Most people realize that the name "Starbucks" comes from Herman Melville's Moby Dick. Starbuck was the name of the first mate of Captain Ahab's ship, the Pequod. Incidentally, Pequod was the first name chosen by the founders of Starbucks - Jerry Baldwin, Zev Siegl, and Gordon Bowker - but they eventually decided that name was a little too obscure.The character Starbuck was a Quaker and known for his goodness, all of which is ironic given the hidden meaning of the Starbucks logo.
So what is the Starbucks logo? What is the symbolic meaning of the image? Is the Starbucks logo Isis related? Is the Starbucks logo Dagon, a Lovecraftian Philistine demon fish god? Is it all just a conspiracy theory?
Find out below ...
Where did the original Starbucks logo come from? What was the evolution of the Starbucks logo to its current version?
Here is the official history of the Starbucks logo, according to the FAQ on the Starbucks webpage:When we were originally looking for a logo for Starbucks in 1971, we wanted to capture the seafaring tradition of early coffee traders. […] We poured over old marine books until we came up with a logo based on an old sixteenth-century Norse woodcut: a two-tailed mermaid encircled by the store’s original name, Starbucks Coffee, Tea, and Spice.
Co-Founder Howard Schultz elaborates a bit more on the story in the excerpt below from his 1997 book Pour Your Heart into It: How Starbucks Built a Company One Cup at a Time:
[Another Starbucks co-founder] Terry [Heckler] also poured over old marine books until he came up with a logo based on an old sixteenth-century Norse woodcut: a two-tailed mermaid, or siren, encircled by the store’s original name, Starbucks Coffee, Tea, and Spice. That early siren, bare-breasted and Rubenesque, was supposed to be as seductive as coffee itself.
There's a problem with this. There's no such thing as a 16th-century Norse woodcut.
The Norse ceased to exist as such around 1300. Woodcuts didn't arrive in Europe until about 1400.
Finding a 16th century Norse woodcut would be like finding a photograph of Leonardo da Vinci. Or a selfie of Abraham Lincoln. It just didn't happen.
So what's the real story? Where did this image come from? And what is that weird mermaid-thing?
Let's just assume the founders of Starbucks meant nothing insidious by this anachronism. It is most likely they just forgot where they found the image. That's a bit odd given their ferocious protection of their own intellectual property, but whatever.
So, where did the Starbucks logo really come from? What is the evolution of the Starbucks logo?
It seems Michael Krakovskiy of DeadProgrammers Cafe was among the first to unravel the mystery ...In "How the Starbucks Siren Became Less Naughty," Krakovskiy reveals that the original Starbucks logo (pictured below, right) bears an uncanny resemblance to an entry (below left) in J.E. Cirlot’s Dictionary of Symbols, which was first published in English in 1962.
There's something just not right about this crowned mermaid and the way she is holding her double fishtail. Not to put too fine a point on it, the bare-chested mermaid appears sexually provocative.
The Starbucks logo evolved from here through various stages of simplification and abstraction.
The Starbucks logo evolved from here through various stages of simplification and abstraction.
The Evolution of the Starbucks Logo
Starbucks seems to have agreed that their original logo wasn't exactly G-rated, especially as they "went corporate." Here's the transition of Starbucks logos since the 1970s:
Thankfully, Starbucks allowed their masthead a modicum of modesty. The mermaid covers up a bit, so she's no longer bare-chested. Good decision! Also, Starbucks refocused the logo onto the mermaid's face and - thank God - away from whatever she was doing with those fish tails.
But that still leaves a big question ...
Who is this Starbucks Mermaid and why is she wearing a Crown?
According to the Symbol Dictionary, the twin-tailed mermaid is Melusine or Melisande, a siren of anguepede body-type, who is also a symbol in alchemy.
The legend of Melusine runs deep in French history even to the days of Charlemagne. Several royal houses trace their lineage from Melusine's family, including Houses of Plantagenet, Angevin, and Anjou.
Many rulers of French descent through history, including Richard (I) the Lionheart, have claimed to be descended from the devil.
As cited by the historian Flori, the chronicler Giraud le Cambrien reports that King Richard was fond of telling a tale that he was a descendant of a countess of Anjou who was in fact the fairy Melusine, concluding that his whole family "came from the devil and would return to the devil."[1]
The Duke of Berry commissioned Jean D'Arras in 1393 to write an account of the story of Melusine, the Chronique de Melusine.[2] According to The Serpent And The Swan: The Animal Bride In Folklore And Literature, D'Arras abbreviated "Mère des Lusignan" or "Mother of the Lusignans" to form the name "Melusine."
So what is the Legend of Melusine, the Lady of Starbucks?
Melusine was the daughter of Pressina, a water fairy, and a mortal man, King Elinas (or King Helmas). Melusine wasn't born a mermaid, however. This was an affliction created by Melusine's mother as punishment for what Melusine did to her father.
King Elinas met Pressina at the "fontaine de la soif," the Fountain of Thirst - maybe the thirst for coffee? - and fell instantly in love. Pressina agreed to marry the king with one condition: he must never enter into her chambers during or just after childbirth.
Shortly thereafter, Pressina gave birth to three daughters, Melusine, Melior, and Plantina. As it to be expected, King Elinas soon broke his promise to Pressina. His curiosity soon got the best of him. Overcome with grief, Pressina runs away with her babies to a hidden island, Cephalonia.
One day many years later, Pressina takes her girls to look upon their father's kingdom. It is then that she tells them of their father's broken promise. Melusine decides to seek revenge against her father. With the help of her sisters, she kidnaps her father and imprisons him inside a mountain. Pressina becomes enraged when she discovers her daughter's treachery. She curses her daughter. Every Sabbath day thereafter, Melusine's lower half transforms into a fish or serpent.
Times passes. Melusine grows to womanhood, living alone in the forest.
Wealth, power, accidental killings - what's not to like, right? Definitely marriage material, but wait. There's more!
Like her mother, Melusine accepts the marriage proposal conditionally: Raymondin is prohibited from seeing her in her chambers on the Sabbath.
Stays in her room all day on Sundays - this lady's just ticking through the Commandments!
Giving little thought to the request, they were married at once. Melusine did as she promised. Raymondin's kingdom grew quickly in power and stature. They built the cities of Poitou and Lusignan, where Melusine became the mother of the Lusignan line. She built a castle in Lusignan, where she became known as a gracious ruler.
After years of marriage and ten, mostly deformed, children, Raymondin began to grow weary of his promise. Curiously, Melusine was also loathe to attend Mass at their Cathedral.
Finally, in a fit of jealousy, Raymondin peeks into Melusine's chambers and sees her bathing.
Raymondin never told anybody about what he had seen. Until he did.
Raymondin tried to convince himself that nothing was wrong. So what if she's half serpent? She's a great mother, right? And she's beautiful - most of the time, anyway.
But then their kids start doing bad things. Like when little Geoffrey burnt down some churches.
Raymondin finally accused his wife of being a "Faulse Serpente."
King Elinas met Pressina at the "fontaine de la soif," the Fountain of Thirst - maybe the thirst for coffee? - and fell instantly in love. Pressina agreed to marry the king with one condition: he must never enter into her chambers during or just after childbirth.
Shortly thereafter, Pressina gave birth to three daughters, Melusine, Melior, and Plantina. As it to be expected, King Elinas soon broke his promise to Pressina. His curiosity soon got the best of him. Overcome with grief, Pressina runs away with her babies to a hidden island, Cephalonia.
One day many years later, Pressina takes her girls to look upon their father's kingdom. It is then that she tells them of their father's broken promise. Melusine decides to seek revenge against her father. With the help of her sisters, she kidnaps her father and imprisons him inside a mountain. Pressina becomes enraged when she discovers her daughter's treachery. She curses her daughter. Every Sabbath day thereafter, Melusine's lower half transforms into a fish or serpent.
Just a weird Starbucks lady living alone in the forest (drinking coffee), so what?
Into Melusine's forest comes Raymondin, who is either the Count of Anjou or the Duke of Aquitaine depending on the account. He is distressed after having accidentally killed his uncle during a boar hunt. Melusine counsels him on how to explain the accidental death of his uncle. She also promises him wealth and power, as though she were a genie granting wishes. Raymondin quickly proposes marriage to the strange forest lady.Wealth, power, accidental killings - what's not to like, right? Definitely marriage material, but wait. There's more!
Like her mother, Melusine accepts the marriage proposal conditionally: Raymondin is prohibited from seeing her in her chambers on the Sabbath.
Stays in her room all day on Sundays - this lady's just ticking through the Commandments!
Giving little thought to the request, they were married at once. Melusine did as she promised. Raymondin's kingdom grew quickly in power and stature. They built the cities of Poitou and Lusignan, where Melusine became the mother of the Lusignan line. She built a castle in Lusignan, where she became known as a gracious ruler.
After years of marriage and ten, mostly deformed, children, Raymondin began to grow weary of his promise. Curiously, Melusine was also loathe to attend Mass at their Cathedral.
Finally, in a fit of jealousy, Raymondin peeks into Melusine's chambers and sees her bathing.
Starbucks Melusine: She's just as beautiful as ever from the waist up, but ...
From the waist down, her fish tails or serpent tails or whatever are thrashing around in the water. Gross.![]() |
Melusine in her bath, spied upon by her husband Raymondin |
Raymondin never told anybody about what he had seen. Until he did.
Raymondin tried to convince himself that nothing was wrong. So what if she's half serpent? She's a great mother, right? And she's beautiful - most of the time, anyway.
But then their kids start doing bad things. Like when little Geoffrey burnt down some churches.
Raymondin finally accused his wife of being a "Faulse Serpente."
Melusine didn't take this too well. It wasn't so much that her husband accused her of being the spawn of Satan. She was distraught that he had broken his promise. So Melusine does what any of us would do in a situation like that ...
Melusine turned into a dragon creature and flew away.
For the next several generations, she was said to visit her children in the night in human form. Mostly, though, when she would appear, it was just a bad omen. If you saw her flying around, crying like a banshee, it meant death would visit the land that night.
Awesome. Let's go start a coffee company in her image.
What then does the Starbucks dragon-lady logo mean?
Starbucks product placement in an 8th-century cathedral
This she-dragon creature has made multiple appearances in iconography, as well as history. The oldest known image of Melusine, the twin-tailed mermaid, is on the mosaic floor of the Otranto Cathedral.[3]![]() |
The twin-tailed mermaid mosaic at Otranto Cathedral. (Photo: Angelica Calabrese at Atlas Obscura) |
One section of the floor depicts images of Eden, along with the Tree of Life growing from the back of two elephants. Another section depicts the Inferno, virtues to adopt, and vices to avoid. This is where we find Melusine:
Otranto, the home of this cathedral, passed hands through several of histories empires, including the Greek, Roman, Byzantine, and Norman. Commissioned by the city’s Norman rulers, the cathedral was eventually completed by the local Greek-Italian monks.
If that wasn't already a mix of symbols and icons, Otranto was also home to a thriving Jewish community. Some hypothesize that Kabbalah, a form of Jewish mysticism, is the key to understanding the unusual mosaic.
Hmmm ... Eden, Kabbalah, Jewish mysticism, and an evil serpent-lady. Are you thinking what I'm thinking? Lilith.
The Starbucks Dragon-Lady is none other than Lilith
I've previously written about Lilith here, and the appropriation of her name and likeness by radical feminists and pro-abortion groups, such as the Lilith Fund, which raised money for so-called emergency abortions in the wake of Hurricane Harvey in 2017.
Lilith has been called "the goddess of a thousand faces," but she's no goddess. Sometimes described as Adam's first wife among her promoters, she is typically described in literature as the devil's own wife and a "child eater." Lilith is actually entire category of demons. The Lilith is a sexually wanton demon that comes in the night and steals newborn babies. There are ancient Sumerian prayers for women and newborns that call for protection from the lilith. She even appears in Scripture. Read more here.
In his book The White Goddess, the poet Robert Graves described Lilith:
The Goddess is a lovely, slender woman with a hooked nose, deathly pale face, lips red as rowan-berries, startlingly blue eyes, and long-fair hair; she will suddenly transform herself into sow, mare, bitch, vixen, she-ass, weasel, serpent, owl, she-wolf, tigress, mermaid or loathsome hag. Her names and titles are innumerable. In ghost stories she often figures as ‘The White Lady,’ and in ancient religions, from the British Isles to the Caucausus, as the ‘White Goddess.’ I cannot think of any true poet from Homer onwards who has not independently recorded his experience of her. The test of a poet’s vision, one might say, is the accuracy of his portrayal of the White Goddess and of the island over which she rules. The reason why the hair stands on end, the eyes water, the throat is constricted, the skins crawls and a shiver runs down the spine when one writes or reads a true poem is that a true poem is necessarily an invocation of the White Goddess, or Muse, the Mother of All Living, the ancient power of fright and lust–the female spider or the queen-bee whose embrace is death.
As described above, Lilith frequently occurs among the archetypes of the world's cultures. She is the Siren, the Lady in White, Duessa in The Faerie Queen, even Ursula in Disney's The Little Mermaid, and, of course, dragon-lady Melusine. She dates as far back as 2000 BC, and her image is found in ancient Sumerian tablets.
[Insert shivers here]
Lilith is usually depicted as a beautiful woman from the waist up and as serpentine from the waist down. Sound familiar?
Is the Starbucks logo not an evil Mermaid, but actually Dagon, the evil fish god of the Philistines?
Dagon was the fish god worshipped by the Philistines. The Starbucks logo is clearly some sort of fish creature. But is it Dagon?Here is a Starbucks meme you might encounter "floating" around the internet describing the Starbucks logo as derivative of the Dagon fish god:
The implicit argument here is that the golden idol on the left is Dagon, but is it?
First off, probably not. The Starbucks logo is a crowned female with twin tails. These don't match Dagon, which is typically presented as male with a single tail. Let's still examine the evidence, though.
Here are some common depictions of Dagon:
Or, at least, these are depictions of of the Babylonian Oannes (Ὡάννης) mentioned by Berossus in the 3rd century BC. Oannes only became associated with Dagon in the 19th and 20th centuries. The scholarship making this connection has come under some scrutiny.
Iconographically, we are not really sure what dagon looked like. The golden idol meme above is likely just a false equilavence.
Pagan god Dagon described in the Bible
Here is a description from Manners and Customs of the Bible:Dagon is the diminutive of dag, and signifies 'little fish;' not so much, however, in reference to size, as to the affection entertained for it; so that some would render it, "dear little fish." The Babylonians believed that a being, part man and part fish, emerged from the Erythraean Sea, and appeared in Babylonia in the early days of its history, and taught the people various arts necessary for their well-being. Representations of this fish-god have been found among the sculptures of Nineveh. The Philistine Dagon was of a similar character.[4]
Again, Dagon is a male fish, not the female fish from the Starbucks logo. Is there another basis for this comparison?
What or who was the god dagon? Dagon appears in the Bible several times, but you are likely the most familiar with these two:
Samson Tearing Down the Temple of Dagon
Judges 16:23 describes how the temple to Dagon in Gaza is destroyed by Samson. Samson was chained to the temple's supporting columns. Samson knocked these down and destroyed the pagan temple as his last act after regaining his strength.Here is the Temple of Dagon set from the movie version of Samson and Delilah. Hollywood is also apparently not of the opinion that Dagon was a fish god, or at least the fish god is equipped with two very non-fishy feet:
Another temple to Dagon, located in Ashdod, is described at 1 Samuel 5:2–7 and 1 Maccabees 10-11. King Saul's head was displayed in a temple of Dagon as described in 1 Chronicles 10.
The Ark of the Covenant Knocking Dagon Down
1 Samuel 5 describes how the Ark of the Covenant was captured by the Philistines and taken to Dagon's temple in Ashdod. The following morning, the Ashdodites discovered the image of Dagon had fallen and was lying prostrate before the Ark. They restored the image to its original position, but the following morning they again found dagon prostrate before the Ark. This time, however, its head and hands had been severed.Take that, dagon! It's a bad idea to place a false idol next to the Ark of the Covenant. Just ask the Nazis:
![]() |
Indiana Jones & the Raiders of the Lost Ark: what happens when the Nazis try opening the Ark of the Covenant |
Conclusion: Is the Starbucks logo Dagon, the fish god?
No, the crowned female with double fish tails is likely not dagon, the male pagan god of the Philistines. It's uncertain whether dagon is even part fish at all or if that's the separate Babylonian and Phoenician god Oannes. Regardless, even if dagon is half-fish, the other half is a man, i.e. not a woman.There is far more evidence supporting the Melusine theory of the Starbucks logo.
Either way you cut it, though, the symbolism of the Starbucks logo is evil.
Is the Starbucks Logo an Upside-Down Baphomet?
While Melusine and sirens are the primary origin of the Starbucks logo, there is something else possibly hidden within the logo ...
The Baphomet. See below:
So what is the Baphomet?It's basically a satanic goat head, but there's more to the history of the baphomet.
The baphomet is a deity notoriously, if not spuriously, associated with the Knights Templar. The Knights Templar are used as the boogeyman-basis for a lot of legends. The Freemasons, for example, incorporate the Knights Templar into their fictionalized history.
Etymologically, the name "Baphomet" first appeared, at least insofar as the Knights Templar were concerned, in July 1098. Baphomet is referenced in a letter about the siege of Antioch from the French Crusader Anselm of Ribemont:[5]
As the next day dawned, they [i.e. the inhabitants of Antioch] called loudly upon Baphometh; and we prayed silently in our hearts to God, then we attacked and forced all of them outside the city walls.
This origin the baphomet makes historical sense. The crusader reference shows the power of God pitted against and defeating the baphomet.
Continuing use of the baphomet is likewise pitted against the God of Christianity, as the baphomet has become associated with worship of Satan.
But again, while it might be sensational to claim that the Starbucks logo contains a baphomet, it may be a bit of a stretch. The similarity is likely a coincidence (though I won't put anything past Starbucks, intentionally or otherwise).
What do you think? Is there further evidence of a connection between Starbucks and the baphomet?
What's in a Cup? The Starbucks Logo is no mistake
Don't think all this Starbucks imagery isn't intentional. This isn't the first evil cup controversy related to Starbucks.Starbucks started a campaign in 2007 printing “The Way I See It” on their cups. The cups also featured short pontificating statements from their customers.
An Ohio woman noticed the following atheistic message stamped on the side of her coffee cup:
Why in moments of crisis do we ask God for strength and help? As cognitive beings, why would we ask something that may well be a figment of our imaginations for guidance? Why not search inside ourselves for the power to overcome? After all, we are strong enough to cause most of the catastrophes we need to endure.
This comment might have been inspired by looking into eyes of the logo, herself.
So the next time the nice people at Starbucks begin to question your religion, ask them why they work for a company whose logo features a demon. Comment below if you encounter any interesting responses!
And now I finally understand Austin Powers and Dr. Evil's corporate acquisition of Starbucks:
In case you're wondering, perhaps for boycott purposes, the Starbucks corporation also includes the following brands according to their website: Teavana, La Boulange, Evolution Fresh, Seattle's Best Coffee, and Tazo Tea.
Footnotes: Is the Starbucks Logo Evil? What Images are Hidden in the Starbucks Logo?
[1] Flori, Jean (1999f), Richard Coeur de Lion: le roi-chevalier (in French), Paris: Biographie Payot, ISBN 978-2-228-89272-8, p. 465-6.[2] Following that of William de Portenach, D'Arras' work consumed most of his life. In 1478, D'Arras' final work on the subject Le Liure de Melusine en Fracoys was published posthumously. Read more in What Does History Say?
[3] Read more about the Otranto cathedral and Starbucks product placement here.
[4] Rev. James M. Freeman, Manners and Customs of the Bible (Plainfield, New Jersey: Logos International, 1972; originally written about 1874), p. 126, 236.
[5] Barber, Malcolm; Bate, Keith, Letters from the East: Crusaders, Pilgrims and Settlers in the 12th-13th Centuries, Ashgate Publishing, 2010, ISBN 978-0-7546-6356-0, p. 29. Letter in the original Latin: Sequenti die aurora apparente, altis vocibus Baphometh invocaverunt; et nos Deum nostrum in cordibus nostris deprecantes, impetum facientes in eos, de muris civitatis omnes expulimus.
Vladimir, Slovakia
Interesting stuff - unfortunately most people today, many Catholics included, have lost the capability of interpreting symbols - I guess it's because they've got "modern", so everything from the Middle Ages must be so old, obscure and meaningless... Sigh.
If you have a chance to read Olivier Beigbeder's book "Lexique des symboles" [1] (unfortunately I only know about the original French edition and an Italian translation, I'm not aware of an English version), at the entry "mermaid" you can find many confirmations about the meanings of the Melusine you wrote about. The author also associates the mermaid to the harpy, being both a crossbreed between the human nature and an animal representing lust - crossbread was a generic theme that meant the loss of the human dignity because of sin. Sometimes a variation of the mermaid can be found as a crossbread between a woman and a serpent, whose link to sin is self-evident.
What I was missing is the possible connection to Lilith - it's an interesting one.
For what concerns Otranto and in general the presence of the twin-tailed mermaid in medieval churches, well, this representation is relatively frequent. For instance you can find a number of churches in Tuscany with it, one of the most known ones being the Pieve di Corsignano [2]; but I'm aware of other samples in France, for instance. In general, a simple explanation is that those churches were filled with symbols about mortal sins, as a way to educate people attending the Mass.
Your blog is really interesting. Thanks.
Laudetur Jesus Christus.
[1] https://www.amazon.fr/Lexique-symboles-Zodiaque-Olivier-Beigbeder/dp/B003DVPMC4
[2] https://fabiusdieciscudi.name/2018/04/23/la-pieve-di-corsignano/
First of all, you need to get off your high horse and come back down to reality.
This was absolutely- I can't even BEGIN to describe how much I despise this article, and I don't have the patience to explain to your narrow mind how this is 2018 and you need to grow up. Instead I am going to just say this.
I am bisexual. in other words. I am female and have dated a female. I believe in god.
I at one point delved into satanism. I at one point came into contact with demons. He said NOTHING about the Starbucks logo or Monster Energy drink logo, or P&G or ETCETERA being satanic. He LOVED the fact your moronic minds were pretending like it was and shunning it, though. It gives him power. Now get off your damn computer and stop giving him power.
I’m blatantly and unapologetically conservative, but in. The same token, I believe in common human decency, loving one another (as the Lord tells us to) and women having rights to their own bodies. The Lord did not judge and berate Mary Magdeline (sp?) yet here you are, berating a company who tries to take care of them. And just to throw it out there, if a man loves a man, that’s between them and God. The Lord says to love the sinner, not the sin.
I am interested in reading more of your articles though, as I do enjoy some good conspiracy theory. I look forward to it!
Mary = Mar/Marine. This is why the character in Robin Hood is "Maid Marian" - she's the mermaid or Aphrodite, the mother of the divine child.
"The White Goddess" is about the constant presence of a tri-natured goddess and her divine child in western religion and myth.
The double fish-tail is Pisces, the two fish into which Venus and her divine son Eros transformed to escape the wrath of Typhon, who is basically the satan character in Babylonian myth.
This is essentially an alchemical / astrotheological image about this dual male/female nature emerging from the unconscious (sea) and becoming the divine goddess. It's a mother/son/holy spirit trinity.
Google "Venus Lucifera." "Lucifer" the morning star in antiquity was originally a face of Venus, the "morning star" of the sky.
Does this mean Venus is evil? No - Venus was simply the highest goddess of pre-Christian religion. Christianity in its many phases was making political attacks on "paganism," whose forms it coopted and replaced with a patriarchal monotheism rather than a matriarchal polytheism. So the goddess becomes the fallen angel of a patriarchal system, and then in the middle ages the church re-adopts her as the mother of the divine child and festoons itself with piscean symbolism like the pope's hat and the "Jesus fish."
Then to cover its tracks the church goes on its crusades to wipe out the last vestiges of its root religion (ie the Albigensian crusades).
Now - why the "elites" are obsessed with all this stuff is another question. I tend to think they misappropriate it without fully understanding it in the same way the churches do. The symbol itself, stripped of its dogma, is about astronomy, myth and alchemy, which is the root of all religion.
You're on the right path with the reference to Graves' "The White Goddess". The Starbucks logo isn't just lilith - it's Venus (hence the 5-pointed star in the diadem)/Aphrodite/Isis/Semiramis…and…hate to break it to you, Mary."
I believe the original name was Innana. Sumerian origin.
Yppushnikfek yalmattattas
Find something worthwhile to complain about /campaign for -there are many beings out there suffering, for pity's sake.
Hope homie also understands that Mary=Lilith. Eve was not the first woman nor Adams first wife. You religious fanatics are just that, fanatics. You believe what you are forced too, and have such narrow minds you can't even begin to look out. Tell me, holier-than-thous, why do you pray and worship Mary and not Jesus? It's always 'give me 30 Hail Mary's' not '30 Hail Jesus'
Ohhhh yea speaking of 'equality' Lilith was Adam's first wife created at the exact same time he was. They were equals. Adam didn't like this at all, Lilith got pissed off and left. God became furious. See, now it makes sense why you all don't love everyone equally; you're all Adam. Scott Smith are you above your wife? Are you more 'special' because of your position as a lawyer? Again, yall are Adam's. God created Eve to be subservient to Adams wills; whatever he wanted.
In our Fathers love,
A woman of God
Its overpriced but still simple... Never imagined all this.. but then again...
The next time I have a cup I will remember all this reading... Perhaps that is the true nature of this blog... You know ... at the end of the day its all about control... Who or what is up to you...
Even if I use other stores they are still part of the pre-beast system and will still donate to socially destructive and anti-Christian causes. What I am I supposed to do? Move to a farm? Even then I still have to trade to get the things I need.
All I see on these lists are obscure brands I have to order and make myself at home. There really is not one brand I can use.
These evil people print money out of thin air and buy up all the companies. What am I supposed to do about all this? There are no choices to purchase from pro-biblical morals corporations except obscure choices.
What other options are there? Chick-Filla ok. Anything else?????
- Venerable Fulton J. Sheen
Jesus testified before the Sanhedrin:
"I AM (Gk ego eimi)"
[The Divine Name]
and they killed Him for it ...
Only you can't kill God, because He will resurrect Himself ...
because He is the Almighty God.
Are you starting to see the error in your logic which led to your blasphemy?
First of all, I want to thank you for elaborating on this matter and exposing the truth...
Because of the length of this text and character limit of the site, I have divided this into two parts.
Part 1:
For the past few months, I have had this hunch that something was wrong with the Starbucks logo. I used to be very fond of the Starbucks iced cappuccino cups found at the grocery store, but I eventually got this eerie feeling that the logo was starring at me every time I looked at the cup. Consequently, it became a habit for me to take the attached straw and pierce it right into the face of the logo; and for a while, it justified my experience of drinking this iced coffee product. But I was also ignoring the fact that something felt slightly off...
Only three weeks ago, something strange occurred. I had bought my desired cup of Starbucks iced cappuccino, but as I was about to enjoy my iced drink, a foul taste emerged from the coffee-flavoured milk. I was under the impression that the milk must have gone sour, which was strange, considering that the cup was still weeks off from its expiration date. I thought it might have been just a bad cup, probably having been left in room temperature over a day, so I took a chance and bought another cup from the same store, the next day. This cup did taste as expected, and so, I was confident that it must have been a one-time occurrence. As inclined by my desire, I bought another cup the next time I went to the store, expecting nothing out of the ordinary. Yet, again, I got a dud. It led me to think that maybe there was something wrong with the whole batch of cups in the shelf, and that perhaps the previous cup I had picked was left from the previous batch. I waited about one-and-a-half week, before daring to buy another cup, and it seemed to me that the sales had also dropped during this period, which only led me to believe that other customers must have noticed the same thing as I did. But I had to make sure if this problem persisted with the entire batch of cups that were in the shelf at the time, and, again, I got another bad-tasting cup...
During my following grocery trip, I finally notified a worker at the store, and they immediately removed all the cups that were present in the shelf. The next day, I made another visit to the same store, and I noticed that a new batch of cups had arrived in the shelf. I checked the expiration date on some of them, and it was indeed a brand new set of cups. So this time, I was confident that the iced coffee must have been fresh, and I bought another cup. I then got home, and I was excited to try this brand new cup, while also being slightly suspicious as to whether this could be a faulty one or not. But I practiced my usual habit of poking a hole through the lady's face, as printed onto the tin foil lid of the cup, and I took a sip and swirled it in my mouth for a few seconds – just to make sure the taste was okay – and, surprisingly, it was. Now, here comes the disturbing part... I left the cup in the fridge, as I normally would, and about 30 minutes later, I went back into the fridge to have another sip. I was shocked to find that the very same cup, that I had enjoyed only half an hour earlier, was now filling my mouth with the same foul taste as all the faulty cups I had bought previously! I could not believe it... Even more disturbing: I had poked a second hole in the tin foil lid before taking the first sip earlier, as the straw hole in the covering plastic lid did not align after I put it back on – and as I was starring at this cup, in disgust, a bubble was slowly swelling through the hole that pierced the logo, until it popped underneath the plastic lid, indicating that there now was a formation of gas finding place inside the contents of this cup. At this point, I think it finally dawned on me that something demonic was indeed in charge of this unpleasant recurring occurrence. And now I finally see what is going on...
In other words: I'm not buying another Starbucks product ever again.
As to the Siren on the cups, I've got tons of Myths I absolutely love. Being Irish, fairies and elves are a huge part of our culture. In no way do we glorify them, but I'm not going to hell for having a sign that says "Don't piss off the fairies" that go into a Garden that might have some elvish houses to them.
Tolkien and C.S. Lewis loved the myths and magic and you see it throughout their writings. If you want to read into starbucks being this evil demon fish God, you free to do it. I see it a cross between Lady Godiva (whose story is awesome and Catholic) and we all see hints of Our Lady star of the sea with the crown and star. The sea is a huge place and I know lots of Catholic fisherman who have odds and ends with sea trinkets. Don't read into thing get you crazy though. I study and write my homilies with stacks of biblical commentaries when the Starbucks Cafe's were open. It's all about the witnessing!
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1. A person wrote it, and the one you’re reading isn’t an original version
2. The originals were written in a language that doesn’t exist and we’re translated multiple times in different languages, and you always lose a little each time from translation.
3. Not to mention it’s been proven that people who rewrote the Bible’s purposely kept stuff out that didn’t go along with their beliefs. It’s been proven when ancient versions of the texts have been found and deciphered and realized parts of the text have never been heard of before.
You blindly believe with no proof based off a book that is inconsistent. And if it’s as perfect as you say it is, they should’ve gotten it right the first time and there should only be “The testament” not a old and a new one. Shouldn’t need revisions. He wants us to worship him and if we don’t we go to a bad place forever? Sounds like he’s throwing a tantrum.
Why does your all good great being, let babies get cancer? Kids get raped, girls get trafficked, innocent people with terminal illness and the ones who kill steal and rape go unpunished.
Don’t lie and say you don’t change your opinion of your person cuz he’s gay because I guarantee if your child or children come out gay or wanna be transgender you’d be singing a different tune and wouldn’t be so happy with ya kid. Being religious is just being fake
Regarding your questions about the Bible, (1) we have ancient codices for the Bible (2) in still-extant languages that (3) match our translations. That you would say the original languages "don't exist" demonstrates profound ignorance of the Bible, which is at the root of your present confusion.
It's your understanding of the Bible that's the actual fruit of playing the telephone game, being mimicked from person to person, translated from one ignorant person to another -- not the Bible.
Thanks, Golden Arrow Films
According to your comments of stating that the Bible says that it’s okay to lay with children, please provide bible scriptures for reference. Saying “your bible” sounds like you don’t want anything to do or believe from the Bible. I’m confused though, since you actually do know so much about the content of the Bible, correct me if I’m wrong, you were at one point reading the Bible. What caused you to turn your spiritual hunger off?
Did a Christian family member molested you behind closed doors? I’m sorry if that happened to you but not everyone in Christianity and believers of God are rapist cold hearted beings. You speak as if you have so much hurt and pain within you. You should volunteer to be an emotional support inside a room when someone is about to make a decision on abortion and stay during the process of witnessing the abortion and seeing the aftermath. If you don’t feel sadness or sympathy for seeing a baby’s selfless destroyed body right in front of you, then you are part of the problem.
i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your balls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls
“ First off the website doesn’t look credible. The image is of the Starbucks Siren, a mermaid. I think it’s just a logo that this man is giving power to dictate his life by making it a symbol. Starbucks is an incredible mission field, and they support multiple things besides abortion protections. If you truly looked at any company and where they put their money, you’d find a reason to “boycott” the business. Holding so tightly to moral superiority and rules in this way does not encourage people to hear the gospel. Good faith relationships do.
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The levels of blind support of the state of Israel from evangelicals is worrying. Will many of them cave to the great deception because of this? I pray not (I'm a trad Catholic).
For the great deception possibly being a false "aliens/ET" psyop, see Catholic Daniel O'Connor (he has a blog & many YouTube videos).
In my amateur study of occult stuff this past year, I have been shocked to learn that 1) we're probably in the end times, and 2) almost everyone at the top of all our US and world institutions is a ritual-conducting sat*nist and ped*phile -- all leaders in mainstream media/entertainment, business, government on BOTH SIDES -"conservative" and leftist, sports, education, military, medicine, science, and many Catholic and Protestant leaders, etc., etc. Most famous "stars" are as well, or their psychologically controlled agents. Our government is just a puppet show. I wish I were wrong, but it doesn't look like it so far.
Also, there are pervasive occult symbols in corporate logos and the media (movies, tv shows, games, etc.), just like you've discovered with the Starbucks logo. I think they're trying to normalize sat*nic images and worship, and open us up to evil spirits and influence. They also do rituals in the media & we unknowingly participate via the screen, and at big events like the Olympic Games opening ceremonies, SuperBowl halftime shows, etc. Many of the mass killings that occur are purposely arranged as ritual sacrifices... think Astroworld, 9/11, Sandy Hook, Lahaina, etc.
I know this may sound very far-fetched, and it would have sounded the same to me about a year and a half ago.
If it's true, at least now we know why they're trying to kill us with the vax, etc.
See for example, Isaac Weishaupt (a sardonic pseudonym) at his website Illuminati Watcher [DOT] com, and podcast "Occult Symbolism and Pop Culture (warning: he's a VERY lukewarm, leftist Eastern Orthodox Christian who doesn't know his faith well, but he does know a ton about the occult). Also Jay Dyer on YouTube & his own website.
God bless you & your loved ones, and may he send the Holy Ghost to sanctify us and guide us into all truth, virtue, and charity.
For more info see Isaac Weishaupt (a sardonic pseudonym) at his website Illuminati Watcher [DOT] com, and podcast "Occult Symbolism and Pop Culture (warning: he's a VERY lukewarm, leftist Eastern Orthodox Christian who doesn't know his faith well, but he does know a ton about the occult). He wrote a book called "Sacrifice: Magic Behind the Mic."
Also Jay Dyer on YouTube & his own website.
Now, the problem here is, we are projecting far too much into something as simple as a logo. What's next, going after Charlie the Tuna? Just stop posting falsehoods and lies -- this is literally why people despise Christians. Because they say stupid things like this.
I'm also an Art Historians, former Wiccan and a general Mythology scholar; you don't even have the pagan information correct let alone all the other stuff you claim to have done thorough research on. you looked at Wikipedia and pulled some shit out of your posterior.