Close your eyes. Imagine the Garden of Eden. Eve is being tempted by a snake coiled about the Tree of Knowledge, beguiling her to eat the forbidden fruit.
Terrible things are about to happen, but right now it's just Eve and the snake.
What does the snake look like?
Are you picturing a little green garter snake? A giant boa constrictor?
What if I told you that the Bible is describing something much larger and much more terrifying than any of these?
What if I told you that the "cunning serpent" of Genesis isn't a snake at all?
I have previously written about the Forbidden Fruit not being an apple. Now, read why the serpent of Genesis is not a little green garter snake.
A quick note in case you are finding this article because you are under spiritual attack ...
Are You Being Attacked by the Serpent? Here are some Books on Spiritual Combat
Here are a couple books if you are in the midst of Spiritual Combat or Warfare. I wrote Prayer Warrior Guide: How to Create Your War Room Prayer Strategy, linked below. I have also published this reprint of Dom Lorenzo Scupoli's classic on spiritual warfare, The Spiritual Combat:
Be a Prayer Warrior! Here is a mountain of ammunition for you to use in your prayer. Here is your arsenal for Spiritual Warfare and Spiritual Combat.
Now ... back to the serpent of Genesis!
Critically-Flawed Understandings of the Serpent in the Bible
Some people actually argue that the serpent of Eden was not Satan. Take this article from The Huffington Post, for example. In it, a professor from Berkeley - God help us - argues that the conception of Satan was greatly enlarged just prior to the writing of the New Testament. The New Testament authors just rewrote Satan into the Genesis accountWhat's being implied here? Satan and the Fall of the Angels was just a fabrication, a fiction, and a recent one at that. Ultimately, it's an attempt to undermine the importance and validity of Scripture.
Think that's bad? Though possibly the least likely place to find truth online, The Huffington Post is not alone in attempting to re-write the Bible and, specifically, the Book of Genesis.
The Fable Explanation of the Serpent in the Bible
Other scholars have explained Genesis as merely a fable used to explain why women are afraid of snakes. At the very least, this interpretation is demeaning to women and misogynistic.This isn't the only problem with the snake fable interpretation:
First, and perhaps worst of all, the women-being-afraid-of-snakes theory contradicts the text of Genesis itself. Eve is not afraid of the snake. She's chatting it up with him.
Also, in Genesis 3:15, a woman is prophesied to crush the serpent's head (for more on Genesis 3:15, the Protoevangelium, click here). That snake should be afraid of women, not the other way around!
Second, the genre of Genesis is not fable.
Talking animals may be a traditional characteristic of fables, such as the tortoise and the hare of Aesop's Fables, but there's a problem. Fables are fiction. Genesis, Adam, and Eve are not fiction. Genesis may not read like a modern-day history textbook, but that doesn't mean it doesn't bear historical truth.
What Are We to Believe? Who is the Serpent in the Bible?
Was it not Satan that slithered into the Garden of Eden as a serpent?Could it possibly be true that Satan wasn't always part of the story?
How do we answer these questions? Let's go first to the text itself and see what Scripture actually says. This would be the obvious step, right?
What Word is Used for "Serpent" in the Bible?
What is the Hebrew word used in Scripture for "snake" or "serpent"? If you want to get to the bottom of a question in Scripture, always look to the original language.The word in Hebrew is nahash. Nahash is basically an onomatopoeia. It describes the hissing sound a snake makes ... or other, snake-like monsters make. This second understanding of nahash is brought out by one of its Hebrew synonyms: leviathan. [This meaning of nahash is confirmed later in Scripture, but we'll get to that in a minute]
Leviathan has come to be associated with all manner of massive sea monsters in mythologies from around the world:
- The Midgard Serpent or Jörmungandr of Norse mythology; the Christ-Thor parallels with the Midgard Serpent are really interesting, btw;
- The Kraken, also of Norse myth, based on the Giant Squid, featured in both Clash of the Titans and Pirates of the Caribbean;
- The sea monster Lôtān of Babylonian mythology, Lotan was a servant of the sea god Yammu and was defeated by Hadad in the Baal Cycle of myths; and
- Its colossal size even inspired Thomas Hobbes to title his seminal work on the economy after it.
Leviathan & the Book of Job
The Book of Job, too, has quite a lot to say about Nahash-Leviathan. There is a lengthy description of Levi'athan in Job 41 - here are some of the highlights:Can you draw out Levi′athan with a fishhook,
or press down his tongue with a cord?
Can you put a rope in his nose,
or pierce his jaw with a hook?
Will he make many supplications to you?
Will he speak to you soft words?
Will he make a covenant with you
to take him for your servant for ever? ...
He beholds everything that is high;
he is king over all the sons of pride.” [41:1-4,34]
This part about the covenant is very interesting. Remember the Huffington Post theory (above) that Satan was shoe-horned into the Genesis narrative thousands of years after it was written?
When Adam and Eve sinned by eating the Forbidden Fruit, they broke their covenant with God. Worse than that, in breaking their covenant with God, they formed a covenant with the Leviathan-serpent, i.e. Satan.
Sidenote: The covenant between Adam & Eve and Satan was ratified by an act of eating, i.e. the eating of the Forbidden Fruit. I wonder what we will eat to remake our covenant with God? Cf. John 6:53.
The covenant between Adam, Eve, and the Leviathan-serpent is referenced in this line from Job. Not just Adam and Eve, though. All those who break covenant with God make covenant with "the king over all the sons of pride." In Hebrew, he is called "the Adversary" or Satan.
Where's Waldo - This is the Seven Deadly Sins by Peter Brueghel the Elder - can you find PRIDE? |
Humans cannot make covenant with a mere animal. The Leviathan-Serpent in the Bible is not, therefore, a mere animal. It's not a what, it's a WHO. It's the One who is the Lord of all Covenant-breakers, all sinners. He is the One who Christ must defeat to break the power of sin: Satan.
The Leviathan-Nahash-Serpent, therefore, is Satan. Also, Satan is consistently portrayed as Leviathan-Nahash throughout Scripture. The earliest date for the writing of the Book of Job is still several hundred years before these Satan add-ins were supposed to have occurred.
So is the Serpent in the Bible Just a BIG Serpent? Or Something Else?
Let's read some of the verses I omitted in the lengthy description of Leviathan found in the Book of Job:
I will not keep silence concerning his limbs,
or his mighty strength, or his goodly frame.
Who can strip off his outer garment?
Who can penetrate his double coat of mail?
Who can open the doors of his face?
Round about his teeth is terror.
His back is made of rows of shields,
shut up closely as with a seal.
One is so near to another
that no air can come between them.
They are joined one to another;
they clasp each other and cannot be separated.
His sneezings flash forth light,
and his eyes are like the eyelids of the dawn.
Out of his mouth go flaming torches;
sparks of fire leap forth.
Out of his nostrils comes forth smoke,
as from a boiling pot and burning rushes.
His breath kindles coals,
and a flame comes forth from his mouth." (Job 41:12-21)
What kind of creature is Leviathan-Nahash really? Smoke rises from his nostrils and flames shoot from his mouth? What is being described here?
Still not sure? Here's some more verses from the Book of Job. J. R. R. Tolkien could have written these himself to describe the beast that lived in the Lonely Mountain.
When he raises himself up the mighty [or the "gods"] are afraid;
at the crashing they are beside themselves.
Though the sword reaches him, it does not avail;
nor the spear, the dart, or the javelin.
He counts iron as straw,
and bronze as rotten wood.
The arrow cannot make him flee;
for him slingstones are turned to stubble.
Clubs are counted as stubble;
he laughs at the rattle of javelins. (Job 41:25-29)
Has it become obvious? What kind of creature breathes fire and is pursued by swords and spears?
A mere serpent does not "raise himself up," because it has neither arms nor legs. Does that remind you of something back in Genesis?
Is The Serpent a Dragon in Genesis, Too?
To answer this question, you need only ask yourself this: What is God's curse on the serpent in the Bible?Here's Genesis 3:14, in which God curses the Serpent (Hb. nahash; Gk. leviathan):
Because you have done this,
cursed are you above all cattle,
and above all wild animals;
upon your belly you shall go,
and dust you shall eat
all the days of your life.
But God's curses are not empty. Just ask any woman who has ever given birth!
Therefore, prior to this curse, the serpent was NOT crawling on its belly. This means the serpent had arms and legs.
What do you call a serpent with arms and legs?? A DRAGON!
The Dragon of Revelation 12
Need more Scriptural proof that the silly, talking snake from Genesis was actually Satan in the form of a giant, terrifying dragon? No problem!There is a chapter in Revelation that is the sister chapter to Genesis 3 and the Proto-evangelium. Revelation 12 refers back to the "Woman" prophesied in Genesis 3:15 who will be the enemy of Satan, i.e. not in covenant with Satan:
And a great portent appeared in heaven, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars; she was with child and she cried out in her pangs of birth, in anguish for delivery. And another portent appeared in heaven; behold, a great red dragon, with seven heads and ten horns, and seven diadems upon his heads. ... Now war arose in heaven, Michael and his angels fighting against the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, but they were defeated and there was no longer any place for them in heaven. And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the Devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world—he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him. (Revelation 12:1-3,7-9)
Could it be any clearer that the "ancient serpent" of Eden was Satan, himself?
Not only that, Satan and the Fallen Angels are referred to as "the dragon and his angels."
So What Do We About Dragons ... Men?
So there was no ordinary, garden variety snake in Eden, but a fire-breathing dragon. This revelation may leave you with many other questions.It leaves me with one main question: What was Adam doing? When a dragon is threatening your Princess, your Eve, what's a Man supposed to do? SLAY THE DRAGON. You slay the dragon. What was Adam doing?
Adam had been charged by God to till/cultivate (Hb. abodah) and to keep/guard (Hb. shamar) the Garden and everything and everyone in it, cf. Genesis 2:15, Numbers 3:7-8 (priests and the Tabernacle). Adam completely failed at this.
There is a great lesson here for all men. When the dragon comes near your wife or any woman, for that matter, you kill it. It's what we WERE MADE FOR.
Don't be like "Brave" Sir Robin ...
Conclusion: Is "Serpent" Mistranslated?
Is "serpent" a possible translation of nahash? Yes, of course, it is. But it would be like translating> Adam as merely "Man" or, worse yet, just "One." This is sometimes done to make Genesis seem less gender-specific. Gross.While translating Adam as just "Man" or "One" may be technically correct, it's not very specific. Translations which are oversimplifying or overgeneralizing can even lead to a watering down of the Truth of Scripture.
Theological truths can be hidden in this way. Translating Adam as just "Man" or "One" is a great way to hide the amazing truths of the Theology of the Body and male-female complementarity.
Likewise, translating nahash as just "serpent" or "snake" disguises the terrifying reality of Sin and Satan. This is like living in a place where lions roam and teaching your children that "lions" are merely "cats," like Fluffy here:
Further, translating nahash as just "serpent" or "snake" deprives us of the cosmic drama unfolding during the Fall. Adam should have slayed the Dragon!
The "snake" translation deprives us, therefore, of an essential aspect of Christ's sacrifice and victory on the Cross. Jesus slays Satan with the Cross, the sword-shaped Cross. Jesus slays the Dragon that Adam failed to fight.
Adam & the Dragon is the ORIGIN of the Dragon Archetype. This is why knights slaying dragons became a motif in the story-telling of the entire the world and throughout all history and pre-history.
For more on the importance of archetypes, especially with regard to our moral and intellectual formation, check out this great book by Michael O'Brien, A Landscape with Dragons:
Please comment and share! What did you think? Did you already know the serpent of Genesis was a dragon?
Also, this page lists all the Tolkien articles, too:
Enjoy and God bless!
I have come to a similar conclusion. But I am confident the scriptures also teach in a hidden fashion that Leviathan was present at and slain by Jesus at His resurrection. The cross was firewood, the weapons Jesus used were His tomb stone (a large smooth stone) like David did to Goliath and the tent peg that nailed His feet to the cross as a small sword in His left hand like Othniel and Jael. I have been writing a book on what Jesus said on the road to Emmaus. If you are interested I will send it to you.
Grace and Peace,
(Just follow the "Books & Gifts" link)
1. If Satan was a frightening dragon why wouldn't Eve run away scared instead of conversing?
2. If dragons were forced on their bellies in Genesis and with our first parents, how can dragons be talked about in detail (and even described as being fought with by man) in Job, which I believe was written or took place after The Garden?
Just wondering.
Thank you
#1 is very interesting, isn't it? I think Eve not running away reveals to us something about mankind before the Fall: we did not know fear. Similarly, we did not know shame and didn't hide our bodies. This changed with the Fall, and Adam & Eve immediately made clothes. This also shows us what kind of knowledge the Tree of Knowledge contained. This helps us see why God forbid us to eat of this tree. What do you think of this answer?
#2 isn't as easy to answer. There are a lot of variables we just don't know. Here's one possibility: Eve's dragon and its seed were the only ones affected by the curse. The other dragons and sea monsters in existence, if any, were unaffected by God's curse. Satan would be free, then, to possess other dragons/sea monsters, such as that depicted in Job. The dragon depicted in Revelation 12 is outside of time or depicted from the perspective of God's time, so there would be no temporal sequence.
What do you think? Do you have any theories? Thanks!
Sorry took me so long to respond.
Your answer to question #1 makes perfect sense.
I really had to think about your answer to question #2. What do you think of this theory; After The Fall SOME of the effects of the curse didn't manifest for some time. For instance we have Methuselah and Noah that lived for hundreds of years, so the fact that dragons are mentioned in the Book of Job would allow for this "time delay" of the effects of The Fall.
Does that make sense?
I enjoyed your description of Eve and the serpent. Adam must have been terrified of the serpent. Also Adam could have been in communication with the serpent also. Adam was afraid to die and co-operated with Satan.
Thank you
Second, to those of y'all who criticize ANYONE of ANY findings or theories they might have about God: who are you? Can any of y'all speak ANYTHING into existence? Maybe just a sunflower seed? No? Can any of you enlighten the rest of us and describe how creation just... created itself? No cheating now. Only speak up if you were actually there. No? Surely one of y'all can explain how to make a visible shape of a voice. Y'all can't do any of these? Not even ONE?! Then who are you to put God in a box? Stop! He doesn't fit! We can't comprehend heavenly things nor are we ment to. God opens his mouth and universes come out!! Super amazing! If he can do THAT He can do ANYTHING.
Most glorious Prince of the Heavenly Armies, Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in "our battle against principalities and powers, against the rulers of this world of darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places" (Eph., VI,12). Come to the assistance of men whom God has created to His likeness and whom He has redeemed at a great price from the tyranny of the devil. Holy Church venerates thee as her guardian and protector; to thee, the Lord has entrusted the souls of the redeemed to be led into heaven. Pray therefore the God of Peace to crush Satan beneath our feet, that he may no longer retain men captive and do injury to the Church. Offer our prayers to the Most High, that without delay they may draw His mercy down upon us; take hold of "the dragon, the old serpent, which is the devil and Satan", bind him that he may no longer seduce the nations" (Apoc. XX,2).
Also another thing is could have the dragon be nice, not scary ...cause Eve listened to him a d wasn't doubting him even...
Also could have the dragon be a flying dragon as seraphims in front of Gods thron cause Satan is fallen seraphim isnt it?
I'm not sure about the seraphim connection. I don't think the dragon was Satan's true form as a fallen angel. My understanding is that Satan was possessing the creature's body. I don't know of any clear indications, though, one way or the other. I try not to delve too deep into demonology. St. Michael the Archangel, pray for us!
What if there was no serpent or dragon etc. at all in Genesis? Perhaps God was instructing Adam and Eve to obey a simple command, while at the same time allowing them to understand one of God's gifts to humanity - our ability to make a conscious choice about right and wrong.
This conscious choice is what separates us from the animal kingdom; we can choose in ways which serve our spiritual growth. Animals on the other hand choose unconsciously and based on their evolutionary instinct to survive in the purely physical sense.
Unfortunately for Adam and Eve, and readers of scripture up to just a few hundred years ago, God did not explain the science behind their own evolution. He did not explain that they had inherited a limbic system which was there to ensure their physical survival.
This limbic system is sometimes called the "reptile brain" which gives rise to the negative aspects of being human, our basest behaviours - greed, avarice, revenge, violence, deceit, vanity etc.
Adam was tempted by Eve (perhaps?) and gave into his limbic system.
The "serpent" in question was actually part of their brain structure; in other words, the serpent was a metaphor for our own reptile brain; it was a metaphor for our ability, or inability, to make the right choice for spiritual growth.
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"Also, in Genesis 3:15, a woman is prophesied to crush the serpent's head"
And that statement is completely false! It undermines that God promised right from the beginning He had a rescue plan underway that involved Jesus. The woman's seed, not the woman, her seed, HE is prophesied to crush the serpent's head. You mis-stating the woman is prophesied to do the crushing, falsely credits her with the salvation that can only be received by faith, believing in the work that Jesus alone did on the cross.
"I will put enmity between you and the woman,
and between your seed and her seed;
he shall bruise (CRUSH) your head,
and you shall bruise his heel.” - Genesis 3:15
When I read you credited the woman, I almost quit the article right there at that statement.
It's interesting because the Hebrew word for "he" in "he shall bruise your head" is not specified as "he" or "she", specifically, but depends on which person is the antecedent. It could be either or even both, in a sense. St. Jerome even translated this verse for the Vulgate as "she shall bruise your head".
Jesus is certainly the one who conquers Satan and crushes Satan's skull, particularly at "the place of the skull", Golgotha. But, by Mary's "yes" to the Angel Gabriel, Mary also takes part in crushing the serpent's skull.
I hope this helps!
I believed that Satan used the snake to mislead Eve because I read God cursed the snake for letting Satan use him. I always tried to picture how the snake looked like with legs. A long thin body with legs. I have been researching the scriptures lately. Why I do not know but maybe because of all the dragon shows in TV. I started wondering if dragons really existed and how we could know how they looked like when they were before our time. In the bible you can read the (Serpent) and then the (Dragon) and both refer to the Devil. So I wondered if the serpent and the dragon could be the same thing. Not a snake as we know them. Looking at some Chinese dragons I did see that some of their dragons do look kind of like snakes. Reading your article was interesting. It did shine a new light on my thoughts. Thank you. I still don't know how dragons looked like (smile) But some dots have been connected in my mind
Serpent in antiquity actually means "lizard, or reptile"
It is correctly translated, but it is our modern understanding of the word "serpent" that is the problem. We automatically default to "snake" when we here the word serpent because of
(1)Artwork commissioned by the Unholy roman catholic church during the renaissance period, that depicted snakes with a White Adam and Eve
(2) with the extinction of Dragons in the past 500 years, and the belief in the lie that their remains are of "dinosaurs" (this word formed from the Latin which literally means "Terrible lizard") that predated man by millions of years
(3) a communist based government run education system that excludes ALL the written eye-witness history of dragons throughout our existence, calling them mythical stories that people made up.
The serpent in the Garden, satan, the devil, is a DRAGON, not a snake
In the first place, Satan is indeed clearly mentioned in Job - he is the HaSatan, a bona fide angel, actually, of whom no evidence is given that he is fallen or a rebel. You obviously are not going to accept this, but that just proves that you do not care about evidence.
There is certainly zero evidence that Leviathan is also meant to represent Satan. HaSatan is a precise concept in Hebrew - it means Adversary, which is a legal term. On the other hand, Leviathan is mentioned in a part of Job where the author is having God describe his transcendency in creating a natural world that goes beyond the pale of human understanding - not a supernatural world of spirits. It is unusually easy to prove that in this case, given that the supernatural world of spirits is indeed mentioned in the very same book - but here, no connection to it is posited.
The passage about Leviathan not being susceptible to a covenant, and not being able to press him into service, is obviously intended as a comparison with a domestic animal, such as a horse or a dog. The point is just that Leviathan is wild, and shows nature in all its wildness, beyond the reach of human reason: i.e. incomprehensible to facile human rationalization - hence the analogy with Job's suffering. The point about using a covenant is that wild nature cannot be thus addressed by humans - it exclusively obeys a divine voice. It is false to claim that covenants are only made between Man and assorted supernatural agents: the concept in fact derives from the fact that people were constantly making covenants with each other. As to the sons of pride, your claim there begs the question by importing a reading entirely reliant on your interpretation of the text, and then citing it as evidence for that very interpretation.
Moving onto the serpent in Eden, well, the serpent is directly associated with beasts of the field (Genesis 3:1) which cuts strongly against your interpretation, to say the very least. It is certainly true that John in his apocalypse associates the dragon with the serpent, but your exegesis conflicts with what he says - precisely, he is claiming to be writing an apocalypse, which reveals in the text meanings which are not self-evident.
The question regarding the form of Bereshit's first three chapters is an open one among scholars. What they all have in common is that none of them thinks it is chronicle like Kings, Samuel or Chronicles. It has been suggested by some to be proto-apocalyptic writing - in which case, the Serpent could be a spiritual agency instead of a snake, but in no case a fire-breathing dragon.
I am sorry that modern scholarship does not back up your particular beliefs as they apply to these passages. But that's tough, I'm afraid. Scholarship is scholarship - it's not some caprice to be bashed down by your militant stupidity.
Ps. Quran its very great book and work as key here. In quran says the pervious book are accepted anjil and Torah (old and new testimony)
And the stories that mention in quran and the other two work as corrections. Its saud thet they make differences and quran tell accurate one. Like u siad quran testified that was satan that talk to Eve.
Four legged snakes existed 112 million years ago… lol
upon your belly you shall go,
and dust you shall eat
all the days of your life.
I offer it was a dinosaur/Dragon. What is the closest living relative we have to a dinosaur/Dragon? Crocodilians( Alligators, Crocodiles, Caymans etc). So out of these grand colossal creatures the closest thing left, crawls on its belly and eats of the dust of the earth. This is my theory and it seems to check all the boxes.
I just wanted to point something out in one of your arguments (yet even so I agree that he is not a snake but a type of dragon). You said in your post:
“Also, in Genesis 3:15, a woman is prophesied to crush the serpent's head (for more on Genesis 3:15, the Protoevangelium, click here). That snake should be afraid of women, not the other way around!”
Whereas Genesis 3:15 ESV (and other versions) it is written:
15 I will put enmity between you and the woman,
and between your offspring and her offspring;
he shall bruise your head,
and you shall bruise his heel.”
The way I’ve read Genesis 3:15 (in various versions) is that the “he” in “ he shall bruise your head” is her offspring, not herself. I followed your link to the Protoevangelium post you made and from what I quickly scanned (so I could return and finish this post) was that you show “he” as “He” Jesus Christ. That all lines up with my interpretation as well with further scripture you mention.
I just wanted to mention that the point about Eve crushing the now belly crawling serpent stuck out to me as a bit off-alignment (and you probably don’t even need this argument to make the point about the fable of women being afraid of snakes … tell that to professionals at the San Diego or Bronx zoos).
I think overall your assessment is sound in my humble opinion. I just would pray for you a loving and non-racist and anti-Semitic readership than some I have read in your comments. God urges us to love our friends, neighbors, and enemies. I’ll stick with that, albeit hard to do at times. I’m a work in progress. Thanks for your research and diligently seeking His word.
*Is her offspring, and not she herself.
* I would just pray for you a more loving and non-racist and non-anti-Semitic readership, than those I’ve read in your comments.
On another note I have been curious in UFOs, visitors from other worlds, an alien which means "not of this world", gave me new insight into God being an alien.....and He is, being not of this world.
Now then, ancient aliens did indeed visit this world and they left behind a multitude of clues through writings and hieroglyphics. I am understanding the Reptilians were one species of visitors and that they are evil, they want to conquer and control, and are shape shifters. They are among us today, they hold great office and do not necessarily show their evil intent, but many can see it. Now, believe this or not, it certainly could make it understandable that the great dragon (a reptilian) could easily shape shift into a man and approach Eve whereas she wouldn't be afraid (although with Adam supposedly the only man in the garden should have surprised her....but. So goeth my present understanding as my research continues. Thank you for a great commentary.